A lot of rock stars dress very feminine and have great success with that style. Glam rock? Another guy dressing feminine but having success with it is ziggy stardust.
this guy is a straight guy who raps and is alleged to have beein involved in homicides and part of a gang of hardened criminals. just he also has a unique sense of fashion.
there is also gay rappers like lil nas x but i omit him here as I show how far what is acceptable has come.
I am an anarchist, so the idea of the community doing all the work, creating content, and then mods basically ruling over them as a reward, just doesn’t sit right with me....
But the same assumption also means that one can rely on the majority of the users to be pro-social. Thus one can lean on this majority of angels to do the moderating.
The report indicates that new investments by Canadian mining companies in Tigray have increased as the region has been plunged into a major humanitarian crisis from military attacks by the Ethiopian and Eritrean government, whom the United Nations has accused of deliberately “starving Tigrayans.”
The U.N has warned that hundreds of thousands of people in Tigray face starvation, as the Ethiopian military—backed by Eritrean troops and militia from Ethiopia’s Amhara region—have raped women and children, committed massacres, burned crops, and blocked aid to the region as they conduct a lop-sided military offensive against the Tigray People
During this genocide against the state of tigray canda and it’s black-face president prospected gold mines in tigray. You canadians supported a genocide to steal tigrayan gold. I wonder if you would still feel the same if it was your mum and your daughter being sexually abused or your cousin or dad being put against a wall and shot.
I’ve noticed that I actually sleep better taking them in the morning and don’t feel that groggy at all. Is there a valueable effect that I’m missing from taking them in the mornings instead of in the evenings?
I’m French so I can tell you we don’t learn about Haïti in History class.
Interesting, so we can rule out at least that the general public has any cause to hate Haiti? Have you ever heard anybody in France express a desire for revenge against Haiti?
The Hurd is the GNU project’s replacement for UNIX, a popular operating system kernel.
The Hurd is firstly a collection of protocols formalizing how different components may interact. The protocols are designed to reduce the mutual trust requirements of the actors thereby permitting a more extensible system. These include interface definitions to manipulate files and directories and to resolve path names. This allows any process to implement a file system. The only requirement is that it have access to its backing store and that the principal that started it own the file system node to which it connects.
The Hurd is also a set of servers that implement these protocols. They include file systems, network protocols and authentication. The servers run on top of the Mach microkernel and use Mach’s IPC mechanism to transfer information.
The Hurd provides a compatibility layer such that compiling higher level programs is essentially transparent; that is, by means of the glibc, it provides the same standard interfaces known from other UNIX-like systems. Thus, for a typical user, the Hurd is intended to silently work in the background providing the services and infrastructure which the microkernel itself has no business implementing, but that are required for higher level programs and libraries to operate.
It's not fair (startrek.website)
(sorry if anyone got this post twice. I posted while Lemmy.World was down for maintenance, and it was acting weird, so I deleted and reposted)
No politics inteded: Why isn't Trump after leaving office in any way or shape involved in politics say as member of congress or senate? (lemmy.world)
I know that after you leave office as POTUS it is some sort of unwritten rule that you withdraw from politics....
Amiright? (lemmy.zip)
Fellow Lemmings, how to create Social Media that does not have mods? (lemmy.world)
I am an anarchist, so the idea of the community doing all the work, creating content, and then mods basically ruling over them as a reward, just doesn’t sit right with me....
What did Canada do? (startrek.website)
What do we get in return for paying taxes?
Garbage answers encouraged.
Someone picks up a guitar at a party, what song would be hype if they played?
There is always the joke that people only play 1 of 3 songs on a guitar, but is there a song that would make you super happy to hear someone play?
How do you keep yourself from eating all your candy-stash in one sitting? (lemmy.world)
Many of you have either been trick or treating themselves or have leftover candy from handing it out for halloween....
next to groggyness, is there an additional reason to take SSRI's in the evening?
I’ve noticed that I actually sleep better taking them in the morning and don’t feel that groggy at all. Is there a valueable effect that I’m missing from taking them in the mornings instead of in the evenings?
How are "We" to place trust in the fediverse?
I came here for the same reasons as most of you and chiefly among them was to escape the corporate embrace of common social media platforms....
Unix < GNULinux < GNUHurd (lemmy.world)
Pro-Tip: use the same password everywhere so you don't forget (lemmy.world)