Not so fun fact cops were invented to prevent people like us from stealing crates in the harbor 200 years ago. They used to be just upper class people who patrolled the port. They didn’t always exist, so it’s just as possible for them to cease to exist. A society without goons in blue is possible. Cops protect the owners of the country. edit: Why can’t we commoners set up our own force to protect us the regular people?
You make a great case for getting rid of implicit rules and making them explicit at least within the current political environment (I mean the resurgence of fascism and other inhuman currents)
You are right, but what I meant was, that I didn’t ask from a political point of view, just wanted to understand from a technical point of view. Like I understand that once you have been president you retire. But trump didnt retire. So since he is continuing on, why in the meantime isn’t he in congress or senate?
I thought obama, bush, clinton are just not in senate or congress because they were president, following the unwritten rule.
So since trump didnt retire why isnt he in congress or the senate. I think he would have gotten a vote in florida or other such states.
yeah but what you say makes sense, so it is just to do with trumps personality profile…
Yeah there is a lot that is going wrong there! especially there used to be at least in the USA the mantra of “I didn’t vote for the guy but he is our president and as such I stand behind him in support” that is completely gone it seems. I know republicans in the past who said things like that to me.
I know there are a lot of fad diets and then there is calorie counting as a more science based approach. I myself do calorie counting and follow a strict diet in order to avoid overeating. How do you eat all day, you follow a system?
I eat oats too, have you heard of the rumor that oats bind vitamins/minerals and thus you eat a a healthy breakfast with oats and fruit but the oats suck up all the nutrients and you get nothing out of it? I am not sure why but i think they claimed there was some binding agent in oats, like some chemical compound.
Using the metaphorical (or maybe literal) model of ideas as living things - there should be conditions we can create to nurture an ecosystem of beneficial ideas. Like making a garden or farm....
‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens (
Here we go again…
Add-on: same password, same identity. (
No politics inteded: Why isn't Trump after leaving office in any way or shape involved in politics say as member of congress or senate? (
I know that after you leave office as POTUS it is some sort of unwritten rule that you withdraw from politics....
Dear Lemmings, what is your personal approach to human diet? (
I know there are a lot of fad diets and then there is calorie counting as a more science based approach. I myself do calorie counting and follow a strict diet in order to avoid overeating. How do you eat all day, you follow a system?
How do you like to sort your Lemmy feed?
Hot seems meh. I usually go for Top: Day but then I run out. Recently tried most active by comments and liked it....
People talk about ideas being living things. How can we do better at cultivating and propagating ideas that are helpful / sustainable?
Using the metaphorical (or maybe literal) model of ideas as living things - there should be conditions we can create to nurture an ecosystem of beneficial ideas. Like making a garden or farm....