True democracy would be filling at least one branch of government with randomly selected citizens. Career politicians are psychopaths and don’t represent us.
The Colorado lower court also found it was an insurrection, but that an insurrection didn’t disqualify a person from running for President (because of some very specific wording in the constitution).
So both sides in the case appealed and now here we are.
I want to make a short film / animation where aliens are approaching earth, the only thing we know about the aliens is that they plan to destroy all life and replace it with their own twisted creation. A few minutes of typical story follows, heroes assemble, go to fight, etc. The heroes lose and the ending scene shows that the aliens have succeeded and replaced all the diverse life on Earth with a perfectly manicured lawn that covers the entire planet. A biological wasteland.
At this point the only things between Trump and a jail cell are:
The courts must rule in the coming days (probably this month, Jan 2024) that Presidents are subject to criminal prosecution. We know Presidents are not subject to civil prosecution, but the courts are deciding about criminal prosecution now. (Trump argues it would be “bedlam” if Presidents were subject to the law).
A jury decision in mid 2024. If that jury says “guilty”, it’s over, Trump is a convicted felon.
Imagine a world where everyone goes to sleep as soon as they are done with work, and saves their groggy end-of-day hours for work. Unfortunately, society has chosen the opposite.
The case I’m referring to in #2 has a judge that was not appointed by Trump. (Tanya Chutkan)
Case #1 might eventually be considered by the Supreme Court though, and your criticism would apply there.
Also, Trump’s trial over mishandling classified documents is overseen by Judge Cannon, who Trump appointed, which is a sham. Cannon should have recused herself.