There are so many people who love cops and hate Israel, I don’t know what you’re talking about OP.
Personally I’m on team acab but I think israel has a right to go after hamas since they did a terrorism. That doesn’t mean they should kill innocent people; but on the other hand, look at how many German civilians were bombed to death in world war 2; it’s how war works.
A country’s responsibility is to their own people first, almost always at the expense of foreign people. In the case of Israel, it may be that their security is won at the expense of the Palestinians from whom they stole their land. So they are acting in the interest of Israelis.
But cops are different, they attack their own countrymen and enforce a power dynamic within the country that is bad for the country’s own citizens; specifically protecting the interest of capital. They are enemies of the state within the state. Different thing.
I used to love it, but all the non-standard evaluation started to give me a headache.
It’s easy enough to just not use it at all, except for ggplot which recently deprecated aes_() which fucking kills me; they really are dead-set on forcing tidy evaluation.
Is it shallow, or petty, to decide based on name alone? Yeah, pretty much, but there’s probably something, a product or service or site, that the name has made you gloss right over it or jump to it ASAP....
Mine are basic and yes, zenni crushes it every time. I even get my phone number lazered into the ear thingies so that people can call me if I lose them.
So you are going to wear some kind of pants that you can’t take off easily for 3 days. Maybe some kind of medieval armor, or a fursuit.
Gatorade has tons of calories because of the sugar, and it will leave nothing to poop out. It will give you the critical electrolytes (plants crave them) that you’re missing from food. Take a multivitamin too.
But it doesn’t have enough calories, and you need stuff to go in your stomach so you don’t suffer being empty on your temporary Gatorade diet. eat white bread. Your body metabolizes almost all of it, so there’s almost nothing to poop out.
You will need to poop out all your poop before doing this, so good hydration and veggies beforehand will clean you out. No need for laxatives, just switch to your new and stupid diet 36 hours before you need to stop pooping.
Good luck on your medieval battle reënactment or orgy.
What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
So far my list includes Comcast, EA, and Nestle. Tell me yours, and I’ll help out.
Distros bad (
How would you rate my stick? (
1-10. How good of a stick is this? I quite like it....
the ultimate police state - ‘security’ is one of their top exports
It's ok R, we still love you for diagrams. (
apple users in a nutshell (
The Season of Warmth and Hope (
Which things have you avoided or embraced on the name alone?
Is it shallow, or petty, to decide based on name alone? Yeah, pretty much, but there’s probably something, a product or service or site, that the name has made you gloss right over it or jump to it ASAP....
How do you deal with incompetence?
Especially paired with ignorance.
If you know you know (
They seem to be appearing more in society.
What are some places you can spend time where you're protected from the elements and it doesn't cost anything to be there?
The classic example is libraries, but ideally I’m thinking of places you can have a conversation....
Is the cure to male loneliness the Third Impact? (
I need to survive for 3 days without pooping, and eating as little as possible. I can pee, but not very often. It can't take up too much space. What food do I pack?
Please don't ask why I need this....