Maybe not what you’re looking for, but fanedits are that thing to me. No body will ever see them on any streaming service or in a DVD bin at the store. They’re like treasures I can share only with other people who truly love movies as much as I do.
Also, I have the original special edition slip-case DVD of Dogma, which currently goes for as high as $19.95 on eBay!
“Humans couldn’t possibly change the environment that much!” [gets in manufactured vehicle and drives an hour to work on a concrete roadway without seeing a single natural tree or animal]
Both the uniform coloring and the size of US currency has long been a challenge for the vision-impaired here. Most other civilized countries have implemented different sizes for their bills and/or tactile features like “windows” that make it easier to identify a bill by touch.
You’re looking at it wrong. He isn’t saying those things for people who already know them. He’s a teacher. His job is to transmit the same enthusiasm he has to someone else who is just hearing a thing for the first time. I don’t get smug from him beyond the confidence of knowing what he said is interesting and true.
I don’t browse All because of this , but I did sub to simpsonsshitposts and yeah, just that one tends to dominate, even though most of the posts are indeed what it says on the tin, ie stupid worthless crap.