Yeah, the only concern is whether the hair style could cause issues (notably a lot of hair can be an issue in some jobs), and even than you can manage most of the time.
I recently saw a video clip by Josh Strife Hayes. He was talking about MMORPG culture, but it can be extended beyond that. It's about the inability of people to be bored and impatience. Old people can manage with being bored. They can spend an hour not doing much of anything. But the further you go in time, the less patience people have. And that's not because they are better or worse humans inherently, it's because they grew up in an society where things increasingly got busy. So it also isn't a binary old people/young people, but a progressing state of people getting blasted more and more with stuff.
This is to the point where there are YouTube videos where people cut away little bits of space between sentences just so there isn't even a second of calm. Social media plattforms just bury you under content and new content suggestions. A lot of games don't even want to risk downtime and just throw all kinds of random content at you for you to work through., quick travel so you won't have a few minutes of calm walking somewhere. Just content back to back with more content.
And this ultimately leads to way more stuff for you than you can consume and an inreasing fear of missing out on something if you're not constantly on the ball.
They had an observation post through which they could look at the movements of vessels in the bay. Naturally, it wouldn't be the most detailed information, but something like "a whole fleet of big German warships have entered" would be extremely valuable to know. The British navy could strike somewhere else, knowing that these ships were far away, or they could see if they can ambush them or prepare defenses in the mediterranean.