The best idea I've ever seen was a documentation about a shop that had baskets of different colours. One meant "talk to me, I may need help" and one meant "leave me alone, I know what I am doing". That is a great idea for everyone.
I remember when games launched and generally could be expected to run, because easy patching wasn't a thing yet. They had to make sure that the games worked.
I don't like that this has moved to "well, it's just the first day, week, month, give them time to fix the game." No! When the game releases and people pay money for it, it should work!
Yeah, the only concern is whether the hair style could cause issues (notably a lot of hair can be an issue in some jobs), and even than you can manage most of the time.
I look into niche communities that I can't find in a suitable way on the fediverse, but I don't engage anymore. No comments, no posting, no up- or downvotes, no gilding (lol). I am sitting on 17100 of these coins and I will watch them melt away when Reddit removes rewards.
In a way social media is a drug and most of us were addicted. At least I was on Reddit, because I liked being there. So not using it, especislly when it was kind of a habit may not be easy for many on virtue fo that alone.