I bought a batch of that shit once that had been dyed green - you could tell because most of the green pigment ended up concentrated at the end of the fat stems. Nastiest shit ever, I’m probably lucky to be alive.
Their original stadium (Foxboro) cost an incredibly-low $7 million to build circa 1970. Rather than building a bowl-like structure fully above ground like conventional stadiums, they instead dug a stadium-shaped hole in the ground and filled it with seats - a really practical way to do something like this, as long as you don’t mind the flooding.
Not really relevant, but as a kid I though the “II” part of ASCII was roman numerals. I was all the way to graduate school before my prof literally on the floor laughing because I had said “asskey two” set me straight.
The dude who sold me my latest smartphone this year had one long fingernail. I kinda thought it was a coke nail until he applied my screen protector and used the nail to separate the plastic backing from it. Aha!
I studied classical guitar in high school and since I could never keep my real fingernails intact I always had three plastic nails going on my right hand. That was a tough one to explain to the local bullies.
My mom was a hippie and made her own bread and we always ate homemade food. When I went away to camp, I was the one pigging out on the sugary breakfast cereals like Froot Loops etc. while the other kids were busy being amazed by the eggs and pancakes and whatnot.