I’m one of the converts. Didn’t like Windows 11 at all, decided to try Ubuntu/Zorin before going back to 10 and ended up staying. I’ve tried various distros many times over the past ~15 years but it never felt “ready” to me until now.
It also ruined the reveal about Adira’s nonbinary identity for me. I saw she
Look, I’m sorry that representation “ruined” a low-stakes interaction about preferred pronouns for you, but it would mean a lot if you could try a little harder.
It’s partly why /r/StarTrek started it’s “be nice” rule in ~2018. It’s ok to disagree, but to just pee all over something someone liked for no reason other than the fact that they brought up that they liked it is exhausting.
Camp is an intentionally over-the-top stylistic choice, it’s a specific well defined style. It doesn’t just mean “silly” or “cheesy”. Star Trek isn’t camp.
Sorry to be that guy but it’s one of my pet peeves.
This is absolutely an incel meme. Incel ideology hinges on always placing the blame on something external (often women and genetics) for their problems, never their own actions. If someone were to blame themselves and take responsibility for their own situation, it would by definition not be Involuntary.