If you don’t have a lot of money, you could try masturbating every hour until midnight. Conversely, if you do have a lot of money, you could also try doing that.
Yeah. Even in the US many municipalities outsource almost the entire ticketing process to the company selling the cameras, and the company collects a (usually outsized) percentage of the fees. So the company has the incentive to use whatever shady tactics to increase ticketing infraction events. This could be by changing the camera angle slightly to falsely get plates from yellow throughers or sometimes they change light timing itself to increase ticketing events…
You literally beat me to this reply by like 4 minutes haha. Banks were giving variable mortgages to people who could barely afford current rates, they don’t give a shit.
I like to get on the flat earther side and then make ludicrous claims of proof, just to get both sides of the argument to say WTF.
Like: “Yeah, obviously the earth is flat like a coin. Otherwise we wouldn’t have gravity. The coin is spinning so fast that it creates a force that forces everything to the surface. Otherwise all the water would fall off the sides”
I would just assumed because they are using the same Swedish company (Sensys Gatso) that does profit sharing agreements with municipalities in the US, that the agreement is the same.
I can’t seem to find the finnish contract award details, so I can’t confirm that they are. I am thinking now, that their might be a chance that they aren’t, given how extreme finnish traffic violation costs can be (% of salary).
An upper limit of 10 millions seems fair, until no one starves on the planet, have access to health care, education.
I actually really like this idea. They all seem to have some sort of God complex, so let’s put them to the test. You provide clean drinking water to everyone, you unlock another 50 Mil to your cap. Feed the world, you unlock more to your cap. You get the idea.