I did the minimum math… I didn’t really feel like figuring out the exact density of an air tag. It is definitely more than 11 grams by volume of gunpowder, but how much I cannot say.
I am lazy… and Googling Airtag volume just displays results about the actual loudness of an airtag alert.
There is also the question of whether you would just compress the gunpowder into a puck, or store it inside an airtag shaped container. If the latter you might even lose a gram of gunpowder.
There’s different definitions of depression, for one.
And “do a better job” is going to be defined by the individual.
But there are SSRIs, SNRIs and SDRIs like Wellbutrin. They have vastly different side effects and play on different systems (serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine) many people find SNRIs to be more effective, but again it’s all the individual.
An upper limit of 10 millions seems fair, until no one starves on the planet, have access to health care, education.
I actually really like this idea. They all seem to have some sort of God complex, so let’s put them to the test. You provide clean drinking water to everyone, you unlock another 50 Mil to your cap. Feed the world, you unlock more to your cap. You get the idea.
I remember those times, those were the before or early cell phones times, where like half the people carried a phone. You would be at the restaurant wondering if Jon would ever show because he is kind of a flake… then Donny would suggest calling Jackie because she has a cellphone and is always with Jon, but then none of it matters because Donny’s phone is shit because he has T-Mobile which doesn’t yet have coverage in this part of the country, so he just carries it as a status symbol.
Your thinking too small. With the glasses you can just talk your way into being a ceo and be a billionaire in a few years. Have fun talking to the lottery commission when I am sipping brandy with people I hate.
Who said that they are endangered? What if they are all new invasive fish, it didn’t say they already existed in nature, simply that they are rare. A one of a kind fish, is the rarest of fish.