If it was a scar on my face I might have gone the plastic surgery route and got it fixed, but it was somewhere where the sun don’t shine so I took the “just live with it” option. Cosmetic surgery is still an option, just not really worth it to me, the only people that will ever see it would be sexual partners and it’s not so bad that someone would see me naked and be like “that’s a deal breaker”. Most people don’t even notice it unless I tell them. It’s on my upper thigh so like for the first week or so when it was swollen and my balls rubbed up against it, it hurt like a bitch, but after that it was just whatever.
I got bitten by a brown recluse like ten years ago (different spider I know, but also very poisonous), I still have a scar that fills up with nasty ass puss every few years. Yes, I have seen a doctor about this and they said deal with it, some people have to get limbs amputated over shit like that.
If this isn’t a lease then it will never hold up in any state court, John Deere and Apple already tried something similar to this over right to repair and lost miserably in every state it was tried in. I’m actually surprised they tried this after the epic payout John Deere had to make after the class action lawsuit against them.
You could also try the original 2chan if that site is still around but if I remember correctly it was like 100% in Japanese. I remember back in the 90’s early 2000’s they didn’t speak much English on that site.
Have you tried /a/ or /c/ or /jp/ on the 4chan? Pretty sure those are blue boards so they’re gonna be SFW. I think there was also an old site called kissmehentai which obviously is NSFW if that’s what your looking for.
More like a supply and demand issue I would think, the issue here being there is no demand for first class seating so they are limiting the amount of “supply” of those seats to accommodate for less demand. Some airlines don’t offer first class seating at all, like Southwest.
Correct me if I’m wrong but if it can’t run Valorant then it can’t run the game in general, so you’d be just as well off by not playing Riot games on a Windoze or Mac machine as well.
Those were the punch card days, storage was a lot different back then. Everything was running in the RAM, and rebooting took like a day to get everything running again.
I haven’t fucked with a Raspberry pie in a long time, lol, I was just making a point. I don’t think they come with any storage so you still have to get like a $20 USB drive.
Apple uses *NIX, it will either become hardware specific versions or Linux where you pay for the OS with the hardware, or be like Red Hat where you pay if you want to do anything.