With how saturated the mining community is, you have to buy a Bugatti, put a brick on the gas pedal, all while sitting in neutral gear, and leave it running for 24/7.
More like a supply and demand issue I would think, the issue here being there is no demand for first class seating so they are limiting the amount of “supply” of those seats to accommodate for less demand. Some airlines don’t offer first class seating at all, like Southwest.
I save to disk, no one thinks about it until we’re all camping and I’m the only one that decides how many times we’re gonna watch Lord of the Rings this weekend.
Someone actually did this, then built a nuclear fallout shelter in their backyard in the middle of some city, but he did it all redneck and it blew up or something while building an underground generator or something and killed a 17 year old kid, he went back to jail, got out after another crypto spike, tried to cash out and immediately got sued by the family of the dead kid for wrongful death and got sued by the IRS for back taxes. It’s a fucking rabbit hole of a story.
Correct me if I’m wrong but if it can’t run Valorant then it can’t run the game in general, so you’d be just as well off by not playing Riot games on a Windoze or Mac machine as well.
“I am the Lorax, I speak for trees, the trees are fucking pissed and the industrial revolution has had disastrous consequences for human society and planet Earth”.
The guy on the bottom said something like that I think.
I got bitten by a brown recluse like ten years ago (different spider I know, but also very poisonous), I still have a scar that fills up with nasty ass puss every few years. Yes, I have seen a doctor about this and they said deal with it, some people have to get limbs amputated over shit like that.
It was 2013, people didn’t put a password to open past the lock screen on their personal device back then. The Internet got flooded with revenge amateur porn back then, and it’s one of the reasons why.