If I hear the word rightsizing come out of my boss’ mouth, that mouth is immediately losing a few teeth. I would legitimately prefer the boss in this comic, because at least they’re honest.
Gotta love manual labour. One of the things you don’t realise until you do it is just how much you end up spending on socks - this shit is incredibly hard on your feet and what you wear on them.
Cook all your meals in advance. Pasta, potato gem casserole, and a Thai red curry can give you roughly two weeks of lunches and dinners if you alternate well. You can add breakfast bowls of eggs, cubed ham, and potatoes and they’ll keep for a week, minimum (I don’t know how long exactly because a dozen eggs gets me six meals).
I usually pay around $50 every two weeks for food, plus a bit more if I’m running low on coffee or milk.