Baby powder also made by capitalists. Freedom to travel… first one you mentioned that isn’t directly capitalist but surprisingly most communist countries don’t allow the free movement of their citizens. There are usually walls built to keep them from migrating to capitalist societies.
You are of course free to emigrate to Cuba or Venezuela at any time if you prefer communism. I mean there are tons of boats full of Americans refugees setting sail from Miami to Cuba every day…
Not quite, I made a bland general comment to troll on a bland general post. My intention was to trigger some commies. Judging by the comments I’d say it was a success.
My man, capital was expended developing the technology underpinning those devices. It was expended building the tools and sourcing the materials that went onto the device that the workers built. Capital was expended paying the workers for the time they took making the devices and bringing the device to market to sell.
Labor and capital are needed to function. Both can be true at the same time.
Sure, I take my family on vacations via airlines run by capitalists who fly airplanes built by capitalists. I like to sit in a bar that is privately owned by capitalists and chit chat over a beer that was brewed, bottled and distributed by capitalists.
Sure, I’m missing out on all the socializing that communists have time for when they are waiting in bread lines. But hey you can’t have everything.