I did not fully get from the article what exactly it is that makes marriage too expensive? Surely getting a marriage certificate is not prohibitively expensive? And shared / dual income would make it easier to stay on top of finances…
Can anybody who has actually used Nvidia with wayland in the last 6 months tell me what problems you have? As a recreational PC user I have noticed 0 issues with my setup:
Ryzen 3600
Nvidia GTX 1660
Nvidia-open driver
Gnome / KDE / Hyprland (currently Gnome) running on wayland
I came from Windows 2-3 months ago, my daily usage has been more or less unaffected, especially when it comes to something I could pin to specifically nvidia + wayland.
All the above just makes it seem like nvidia + wayland bad is just a circlejerk.
On top of knowing the needs, such groups, generally, have the means to utilise the money more effectively dollar for dollar than an individual because they can buy wholesale and have deals with different companies.
Once you know, it is easy. But this random popup with 0 explanation, besides an arrow, is not intuitive at all. In general I like my MacBook Air but I hate MacOS and if it wasn’t apple silicon itd be running linux. Once Asahi or something similar deals with growing pains, it will 100% be doing so.
You can not have a cure for cancer, but a cancer. I promise I am not trying to be pedantic here. Cancers are so different from one another, that a single cure for breast cancer might not even work on all breast cancer.
I think this depends. People who need basic computer functions can get on very well with linux.
My classmate in highschool had ubuntu on his home pc as long as I remember, because someone preconfigured it for them and it was mainly a browser - schoolwork machine. He gamed on XBox. There was no hassle, it was fine.
My mom on her run down laptop has mint now, because I configured it for her. I haven’t heard any complaints.
E: Also many hospital here run Linux and it is just fine, and trust me, many of the medical staff are barely tech literate enough to register for email themselves.
Linux is a problem for people who come from windows and need more than basics but are not tech savvy enough to get their hands dirty. Then once your comfort level with tinkering goes up again, Linux is once again not a bad recommendation. It really kind of is the bell curve meme.
At 80 I would urge you to consider wired again or save up. Otherwise I would look for the cheapest amazon / ali headset you can find a decent review online (off amazon) for.
Not that you are wrong about the rest of your comment, but not only type 1 diabetics need insulin, type 2 diabetics often become insulin dependent too, especially with poor adherance to interventions (bad diet, no excercise).
Look, as long as you don’t hover-squat or use other techniqies that make it more dirty, you can autoclave the toilet before using it for all I care, so long as that means you actually sit down. I hate seeing poop stains on the rim. That said I will usually sit down without a buffer.
Bouldering and running are the things I find I want to sink most of my free time into lately. Secondary to that it is general strength and yoga excercises.
I’m a sucker for a good book, recently read the Dune series, it was fantastic.
Then of course music (rap, hip-hop, rock), podcasts (too many to list or keep up with properly, really).
Video games used to be big, but these days nothing really tickles my pickle. I used to be mostly into PvP (first few seasons of league, speedrunners, MW2, Battlerite, Omega Strikers) but these days it is rare to find good ones, single-player stuff rarely catches my attention enough to sink hours in. Usually nothing I try these days lasts more than 2-3 times playing it.
Yes, the barrier for entry is so low. You can even run barefoot if you are so inclined (I do experiment with this). Granted climbing can become expensive-ish if you want to do regular climbing. But bouldering is very cheap to get into.
Plus there is something so primal about running and climbing. Like these are the things we are supposed to be good at, it is how we are meant to move in some sense. It feels so empowering to know you can run for X time/distance or that you can climb a wall this hard…