And what did I say? “Just get extra phone and use some fake google account for android auto and you should be fine”. Kind of like I’m saying that while total privacy is not possible you can find a good compromise, wouldn’t you say?
85% after 2.5 years is not good. My car battery has guarante of 80% capacity after 6 years. 20% of range is a significant difference so I take car of my battery and don’t charge it above 80% if not needed. It’s the same with laptops. Current models can easily last 5-10 years but having only 50% of capacity after that time would be a problem. Sure, if you’re intending to throw it out after 3 years it doesn’t really matter but if you want to use it for as long as possible you definitely should take care of the battery. It’s pretty much the only part that degrades (except maybe keyboard).
As Sci-Fi? Clearly Star Trek. It’s actual Sci-Fi when Star Wars is just fantasy in space. As franchises both have better and worse movies/shows and can’t be compared objectively.
As it’s name implies, it’s a crime. As such it’s not legitimate but it’s also not a sin. It’s up to each individual and his morality to decide if he wants to be a criminal or not and it’s up to the society to stop criminal behaviors that have negative impact on it as a whole.
I mean I always knew that Oscars were mostly about hype and not actual artistic value but getting offended that the most hyped movie of the year didn’t get all the nominations is just weird. Mattel run multi-million, non traditional marketing campaign and got a lot of people exited about the movie. It doesn’t say anything about the acting or directing in it.