My favorite is the time god smites a dude because he was an asshole.
But then, like, his brother needed to get the wife preggo* and didn’t so he could inherite all of his dad’s shit, so he kept up with some awesome pull out game**… so god smites him, too.
So she goes off without a son cuz the daddy ain’t doing his thing either… until he goes to war… then she becomes a camp follower (aka prostitute.) seduces him, gets preggo, takes his banner as proof; or something… and the. Comes back with a son…
*levitate marriage. Widows without children where basically not taken care of… so, the idea is the brother gives his son an heir, the widow can take care of the son’s inheritance, blah blah blah)
**that never works irl. It’s almost like god just wanted to smite another asshole…helped him out a little.
I read a lot of frustration in that post. I don’t know if that frustration was warranted, but I’ve been in (non-tech) leadership where you almost just have to scream like this to get the point across.
“This is incorrect. Here’s why. 1. 2. 3.” no need to be disrespectful, no need to make it even call it a fuck up. either the individual has the maturity to grow or …not. but then… I certainly understand the frustration. There’s just some people… that definitely struck a nerve of the ‘you don’t get it, do you?’ variety. like the guy who told me (working contract security), that it was illegal for us to make them go outside in winter, because below-freezing is too dangerous. (yeah. We, uh, provided them with some fairly good parkas, and had hats and gloves available. with ‘if you need more’ accommodation already mentioned.)(Oh, and he was only needing to be outside for about ten, or so minutes.)
Like how many droids just, don’t have names? Or only have names because the peeps that designed them gave them names but nobody else really knows them?
Like that walking holocom droid used by Nute Gunray on Naboo, or Treadwell.
Personal favorite droid? Chopper. Dude is a freaking menace to society.