Might have gotten it out a bit too soon- the digital meter was saying 245-250(grr) and it’s a hair on the soft side. It lost a bit of the apple flavor compared to when it was at thread temp… if you want a sharp hit, maybe add some more of the cider vinegar. The flavor is still there, but iat thread it was (tart) apple->Carmel, now it’s carmel-> apple
Pretty sure Watto had to sell her to help cover gambling debts from anakin winning. I could be wrong, but it would have been fairly simple for the Jedi to send somebody out to take care of it.
But then the Jedi are all brainwashed slaves anyhow.
I’ve come to the conclusion…. That if there are species out there able to travel interstellar distances in a reasonable time, then they have the ability to know humans are fucking nuts- because they can detect the radioactive isotopes in the atmosphere.
Which means the only ones coming are even more nuts than we are.
This, leads me to assume that either, they’re genocidal maniacs out to destroy everything that’s not them, (a la the bad guys in Ian Douglas’ Semper Mars series,)