Little shits under 5 are preprogrammed to fucking try to kill themselves at post haste it fucking seems. That’s why I support using those damn leashes for your suicidal toddler.
How the fuck did humans become the apex species when their young is hell bent into rushing into a sabertooths mouth?
I sacrifice C:\Windows\System32 to you, old noodly one! 🗑️ Bless me with the computing power to pwn my enemies in CS2, see them driven before me on Twitch, and hear the Lamentations of their simps.
It was his last wish too. (
Everytime (
Insert witty title here (
My wife, she has a thing for transporter anomalies (
Calculus? Nah, bro, that's easy stuff (
Almost that time of year (
It doesn’t even take special talents to do! (
The call of the void is irresistible to toddlers (
Why not? (
Save your hard-earned Latinum on a long distance subspace carrier you can afford! (
Rule of Acquisition #14: Anything stolen is pure profit. Based on “a comment” by Kolanaki.
Columbo investigates Star Trek. (source: cursedtrekedits on tumblr - more in comments) (
The sequel we never got (
This is literally the internet nowadays without an adblock (
I cannot understand how some people are living with this. It is unbearable
The Trekkies didn't like (and in fact got angry) at the mere image of Jedi Master Kirk, with his lightsaber phaser. (
Computer: coffee, black. (
pulling for you, pigeon bro (
Spock photos (
New holosuite program just dropped (
Banned in the Gorn Hegemony. A Quark’s Bar^TM^ exclusive. Ages 18+ or your species’ equivalent....
"Ribbiting Footage" by Loading Artist (
dark tower deck supremacy (
We're doomed (
Monty Trek? (
MFW Risa is in read only mode (
The awkwardly adorable way seals move on land is called "galumphing" (…/galumphing_how_seals_move…