It’s really not “Pokemon, but not held back by GameFreak”, it’s more like “ARK, but it looks colorful, plays like BOTW, and has a Pokemon inspired creature catching gimmick”
If you’re looking for an edgier, more creative version of Scarlet/Violet, keep looking.
If you’re looking for “Minecraft Pixelmon, but for Adults”
I used to buy movies on Amazon, assuming it worked like Steam does, where if Steam loses the license to sell it, you still have the ability to play it even if Steam isn’t allowed to sell it.
Hell I still have access to the stuff I got back when Steam still sold movies (I honestly miss Steam movies…)
When people started telling me their copies of things they owned were no longer usable once Amazon stopped selling it, I stopped buying.
Sadly this, I’d have been surprised if he showed even a slight disappointment with Israel… Sides Trump LITERALLY put the US Embassy in Jerusalem and announced it was Israel’s.
This is why I never bought the “Joe has dementia!” line, it just feels empty when Trump always does crazy shit that makes no sense, and Biden’s just… well… a boring politician