Thanks, I’m playing through Phoenix Wright, haven’t touched the games since high school…
After I finish, I’m going to playthrough a second time, recorded for a Federated Video Site
It’s not interesting if I’m going “Cmon cmon, what evidence is it?” for like 30 minutes of dead air while the audience is falling asleep or screaming “You idiot, the witness says he’s allergic to bananas, but he’s eating one right now! Show him the banana!”
I think I’m going to go ahead and do a let’s play for peer tube in order to help promote YouTube alternatives. So I look forward to a let’s play of Phoenix Wright I guess
No it definitely is a thing, lot of exvegans who find themselves suddenly going very sick until they try meat again and it’s the most delicious cure they’ve ever had
I may have to use that if they really are going to block ad blockers, I’ve sworn off making YouTube videos ever since they hit me with a strike for promoting gang violence and criminal organizations. I didn’t know such thing but apparently they are going to retroactively consider any persons they consider too controversial to talk about on YouTube as the head of a criminal organization, and any explanation as to who they are support for them.
It simply isn’t safe to post anything on YouTube if they are going to ban you for something they retroactively decided was bad. If I post any content in a video format it’s probably going on a Federated video site