Huh? No, of course you can’t, because you’d first have to be able to prove that any person in question had lived a previous life, and that kind of belief isn’t falsifiable.
If the whole thing could be proven or disproven, then it would be science and not religion.
…You’re really saying that one party where you have no functional choice is better than a multi-party system, just because you think that Republicans and Dems are too alike, while ignoriing the plethora of other parties that not only actually exist in the US, but hold office at local and state level?
The fact that there are anti-BDS laws doesn’t make this not a conspiracy. Moreover, anti-BDS laws haven’t yet been tested in courts; given that groups like the ACLU oppose them as infringing on legitimate political speech, I think that there’s solid reason to say that they’re unconstitutional. Esp. since BDS is intended to target the country, and not the people.
…That is not something that you would ever do. Where are those bullets going when you’re not on-target? Even if you don’t hit an unintended target, that’s wasted ammunition, and you aren’t carrying an infinite amount. Trust me when I say that carrying 6 pistol magazines each loaded with 20 rounds, in addition to a chest carrier with 7 fully loaded M4 magazines starts getting heavy.
I’ve done a little IDPA–and will be doing more–and that kind of shit would get you tossed out of a match IMMEDIATELY. If you spend enough time practicing, you don’t need to do that anyways; part of the air marshal qualification course involves drawing a pistol from concealment, and firing a single shot on target-at 7y-in 1.15 seconds or less. High-level USPSA shooters can complete Bill drills from draw in under 2.
I’m very much a proponent of 2A rights. But carrying, by itself, is not going to eliminate fear, and may not even moderate it significantly. And someone that’s disabled may not be able to effectively use a firearm, and they certainly won’t be able to use one effectively with training.