Do you use them when you don’t have time to cook or don’t want to? Do you use them to avoid gaining weight? What is your opinion about their potential health implications?
Suggestion: Please only post one title, if the title already posted in comments than instead of reposting it again just upvote it. But you are welcome to talk about this titles in more detail. Thank you for participating. (This is not a rule!)...
The best gift ever is that my family all agreed not to buy unneeded things for each other. The gift of not stressing, not having to go shopping, and not spending money just keeps on giving.
What software do you wish that existed?
[DISCUSSION] What is your opinion about meal replacement shakes?
Do you use them when you don’t have time to cook or don’t want to? Do you use them to avoid gaining weight? What is your opinion about their potential health implications?
My English Breakfast tea states it contains 2g of protein.
How/Why? Is that an oblique nod to insect protein, how does tea contain protein? 🤢 + 3 CALORIES?!...
TIL The US government runs an official dad joke database (
Belgian refugees leaving Brussels with a dog pulling a cart, WW1, 1914 (
12 December 2023 (
It's cannon. (
What is your favorite time travel movie or show?
Suggestion: Please only post one title, if the title already posted in comments than instead of reposting it again just upvote it. But you are welcome to talk about this titles in more detail. Thank you for participating. (This is not a rule!)...
What gifts are you getting for your friends and family members?
Share your gift ideas, because I am a bit stumped.
Replicator: Bad instant coffee (
Hellmann’s Mayo: Jar vs Bottle Showdown (
Don't fall victim to the propaganda. (
The NYC subway banned dogs on trains unless they fit into a small bag, so this guy trained his Pitbull to sit in a small bag. (
Ocean cleanup group removes record 25,000 pounds of trash from Great Pacific Garbage Patch in one extraction (