30's start to notice you can't do stuff you used to be able to do along with aches and pains but they are still once in awhile. 40's they are no longer once in awhile. 50's you are sorta used to them and its just another part of life is pain.
yeah I get its ot the same thing and if your memory was sharp as tack before its going to be massive. One thing I am thankful for being born in the modern world is that my coworkers names always appears in teams. I get into trouble when im speaking with my screens are covering teams as suddenly I can't get names quite right or tell who is speaking.
I had the name thing before covid was even a thing (sorry not belittling your pain just had to be a smart alek. really though I have always been so bad with names and faces im not sure I would notice if covid made it worse.)
ill admit these comics make me feel like I have adhd. I actually do a lot but the amount of mental effort I have to put into each thing is massive and I have to put myself on super rails. I basically don't do anything like vacations or planned leasure because prepping for it is just more work and im pretty much constantly tyring to catch up with what I need to do dealing with (usually) the most important things first. I spend ridiculous amounts of time just making sure I pay bills and such.
rpg and video games. unless you include stupid phone games. honestly anything considered nerdy/geeky from the past except for what is totally main stream. Like they use computers and have see super hero movies and animated movies. Honestly im pretty sure if work did not require it they might not use computers outside of smartphones.