Part of it for me is im not paying for anything anymore. Avengers endgame was like the last thing I bought and that was mostly just wanting to finish off the story. To much rehashing and to much individual little streaming fifedoms and such.
xactly. Any other problems are usually self made or if not then the money still can ameliorate them greatly. Like being crippled. Better to have a nice house, someone to come clean, with stair lift and such than to be on the streets with a tiny tim crutch.
even worse is any deals are on downloaded apps. F that. The only good effect for me with that is its an effective way to identify and avoid corporate type institutions as they are top in using it.
Xer and glasses never bothered me that much but I did dream of not needing them. Waking up and being able to see clearly when I open my eyes. Well anyway I got nearsided as well and ugh do I ever hate progressive lenses and I still end up taking off my glasses for looking at things close.
I don't know really as I only knew him as an old man. He did not make it but he came close. He grew up in ireland to so he saw some massive technological change.