I had the name thing before covid was even a thing (sorry not belittling your pain just had to be a smart alek. really though I have always been so bad with names and faces im not sure I would notice if covid made it worse.)
oof that hurts. Im not wild about flat earthers or alien conspiracy or such but would I give up good scifi shows to not have that part of humanity. that would be a high price indeed.
I do have memories from the bizzard of 79 because I was young and once they got the sidewalks cleared I felt like I was in an xwing doing the trench run when walking down the block.
Not I. My faintest memories are from 5 and by then it was typical of the season. likely my first reaciton would have been as a baby or toddler and way before I can recall.
30's start to notice you can't do stuff you used to be able to do along with aches and pains but they are still once in awhile. 40's they are no longer once in awhile. 50's you are sorta used to them and its just another part of life is pain.