I know storage is cheap, but nearly half a terabyte? I’m already giving any game the side eye if it takes more than 50G of space on a disk, let alone nearly 10x that.
One of my favorite search ads that appeared in the mid 2000s happened when I was bored. I searched “grandpa” without any context just to see what would come up, because I really was that bored. One of the ads that appeared was one of those where they just shove your search in the title verbatim so someone not paying attention might think it was what they wanted.
It said something like “Looking for grandpa? Find great deals here!” I don’t remember exactly what the second part said, but the “Looking for grandpa?” part made me bust out laughing. I then started searching other random stuff to try and get something equally stupid, but it didn’t capture me quite the same way. Either way, my boredom was alleviated.
I use adnauseum on my computer so it blocks the ads, but also sends a request simulating a click to the ad network. Based on average CPM, I’ve cost advertisers like $300 so far.
Oh man, if you gave a programmer minified C code with no comments, whitespace, or newlines in printed paper, they’d probably charge more than your lawyer to read that shit.
I assume you’re talking about tracking score on profiles ala Reddit? There’s nothing stopping anyone from making their own client or modifying lemmy-ui to do that if someone really cares.
But honestly, Lemmy has enough bots posting stuff that I wouldn’t want to bring more incentive for karma farming in.
Indie games are the only thing keeping gaming alive for me, for the most part. All the AAA games I play are older titles. Doing the GTAV story with a trainer has been a pretty fun time lately for me.
I used to say that, but I’ve given up on that idea. I’ve never seen a use of blockchain yet that didn’t boil down to being virtual money. NFTs could have had potential as a method of trade if they were tied to real ownership of things instead of just receipts saying you bought a cartoon monkey jpeg.
But every time I think something would be a problem blockchain solves, I can always think of an existing, typically better, solution to that same problem. I think that space is too infested with grifters to attract anyone with a truly novel idea.
It’s owned by Facebook and isn’t open source. There’s no verifiable way to say for sure that Facebook doesn’t have a master key to read everything you send on it. Compare to say, Signal, which is open source and can be verified to be secure.
I don’t run a directly customer facing department anymore, but when I ran electronics I got to be both the employee that didn’t know much, and the one that tells you more than you asked for.
I went to college for network admin, but never actually landed a career in it because COVID hit right after I graduated. I’ve done a bit of everything with computers and can speak to a lot of things.
But I haven’t used every electronic device we sold or have even basic knowledge of some of them, so I had to fall back on “Well, a lot of people buy this one, so there’s probably something nice happening there.”
I can second this. I have SearxNG running in a docker container by itself and it requires no real maintenance of any kind. I do have a cron job that updates the docker container once per day, but it ran for ages on the same version without issues.