I’ve been reading your comments, it’s amazing how someone can link an article to 37 grown men voluntarily circumcising themselves and use that as evidence towards why children would like to be circumcised.
“You know, I’m really tired of having to clean my nails and trim them. I know, I should just cut my fucking fingertips off. That way I don’t have to worry about pesky things like dirt or germs living under the nails!”
No no, I definitely do. I’m not the one willfully ignoring the reality of how ridiculous “everyone can be artists and writers and no one has to work” sounds.
So far the people advocating for communism ITT are not even sly about shifting goalposts with the wind.
Specifically OP, OP responded to a comment about free housing being unrealistic with “single income families should be allowed to exist” followed by something else that wasn’t relevant to free housing being unrealistic.
At this point I just think they’re big communism shills. (I shouldn’t have to say this is a joke, but I know that I do.)
Why doesn’t the big-brain-science-technology-man just make a mod that let’s him? Shouldn’t be too hard for the guy who claims to be able to perform every role in his company.
Uh no, back in high school one of my acquantainces held a lie for something like 3 years that he had a girlfriend named x that went to y school. My friends and I ended up seeing the yearbooks for that school. We couldn’t find a single person at the school with his girlfriends name. He tried to say that her real name was actually w, and I kind of just stopped talking to him afterwards. Never learned how that played out with people closer to him.
The only thing that makes me question the validity of the video is the ladder.
Is it made of solid iron? Or is there some kind of weight distribution in the frame connected to the bus (or whatever that thing is) that’s offsetting the probaby 300ish lbs that man is? Am I missing something here or is that weird?
(In my experience) Most people type the way they speak and people who carefully articulate themselves are outliers. Grammatically correct written English is also very different from the spoken word.
I get what you’re trying to say. Unfortunately when the majority of what you’ve read is online is in spats of 150 characters or less (or whatever low character limit you’re working with) and an even more substantial amount of what you’ve written is within those constraints… On top of most of your interaction with the English language being incorrectly spoken English otherwise? It’s not hard to guess the end result.
This is something you can blame Twitter for. Blaming the user is odd, considering what they have to work with. Can’t blame people for communicating the way they know how.