While it’s probably rare to find a profile with everything I listed , many profiles have at least one of the things I mentioned. Most common one I’ve seen from the list is being unwilling to date men below 6 feet tall. Second most would have to be the “men r bad” or some variation of that.
There are also things like dating apps to consider. More and more adults are finding their relationships through dating apps, and women can be pretty disrespectful (obviously this doesn’t mean that men aren’t disrespectful as well).
“Must be 6’0”, have a steady job, must worship me, I hate men if you know what I mean" etc. See too much of that shit, go too long without any matches (alongside things like porn addiction giving you a skewed perspective on what sex/relationships are) and it’s hard not to take it personally.
This isn’t to say the young men are faultless, by any means. Just something that adds fuel to the fire.
Depends, if you’re working for the state anyways. Typically, at least from what I’ve seen, HR people in state departments are usually the ones telling you to join a union.
That being said, I joined the union and I still treat HR like they have the plague.
Well, utilizing a little thing called “context clues” you can see that I’m very clearly not talking about the person I’m responding to. I’m talking about the person claiming private ownership would be better.
My point, is the hypocrisy. But I get it, over half of America reads below a 6th grade level. Ya’ll need help getting there.