Maybe it’s because I live in a place with a lot of earthquakes, but I think I’m good off putting my head between rocks that could slightly shift and obliterate me.
While it’s probably rare to find a profile with everything I listed , many profiles have at least one of the things I mentioned. Most common one I’ve seen from the list is being unwilling to date men below 6 feet tall. Second most would have to be the “men r bad” or some variation of that.
Uh no, back in high school one of my acquantainces held a lie for something like 3 years that he had a girlfriend named x that went to y school. My friends and I ended up seeing the yearbooks for that school. We couldn’t find a single person at the school with his girlfriends name. He tried to say that her real name was actually w, and I kind of just stopped talking to him afterwards. Never learned how that played out with people closer to him.
(In my experience) Most people type the way they speak and people who carefully articulate themselves are outliers. Grammatically correct written English is also very different from the spoken word.
I get what you’re trying to say. Unfortunately when the majority of what you’ve read is online is in spats of 150 characters or less (or whatever low character limit you’re working with) and an even more substantial amount of what you’ve written is within those constraints… On top of most of your interaction with the English language being incorrectly spoken English otherwise? It’s not hard to guess the end result.
This is something you can blame Twitter for. Blaming the user is odd, considering what they have to work with. Can’t blame people for communicating the way they know how.
What makes you think learning from someone else’s stupid decisions qualifies as trauma? Oh, this must not be a lesson you learned growing up.
When you see someone do something stupid you go “no, I’m ok”, and your life is better for it.
You wanna die young, or cripple yourself? Go for it, be my guest. Don’t delude yourself into thinking it isn’t on the table because “not everyone who rides motorcycles dies”.