How come only fried chicken restaurants have good coleslaw? Any other restaurants or store bought I’ve tried have been terrible, but chicken places always have the good shit.
It’s not helpful in any way, but I do not experience boredom. You can leave me with a computer in a room for 2 years and when you come to collect me I’ll just tell you to turn the light off and go away.
I mean, I paid what I borrowed, and they’re still saying I owe nearly that much. Reality doesn’t jive with what you’re saying when interest rates are so high that it crushes you into a hole just for borrowing.
The banks aren’t good on their word you fucking trog. They raise the interest rates after you borrow, that’s not fucking playing fair by any means. Tell me your a scumbag banker without telling me.
Watched Louis Rossman today, and he’s part of the team behind a new app for watching online video content - not just youtube, but nebula, peertube, twitch and more....
I’m the same way, I watch (hate to admit) hours of YouTube every day. I do subscribe to a lot of people, but only after I’ve seen several of their videos and enjoyed them. Primarily I refresh the homepage and see if anything peeks my interest. In my personal opinion YouTube has one of the best algorithms, generally showing me a good mix of stuff I’m interested in (with addons and whatnot to hide the bullshit and recommended MSM garbage). Conversely Instagram and Facebook have some of the consistently worst algorithms, but I think Facebook is getting better about it, Instagram however NEVER shows me ANYTHING I could ever possibly care about and usually actively get annoyed by.
I have noticed that I interact a lot more in Lemmy than I ever did in any social media. Let it be Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… I am used to be the lurker, but here for some reason things are different. Wonder if more people feel like I do.
Why? No one, zero people, who join the military or the police, do so without the intention of using force over others. These aren’t good people, I’m not going to concern myself with what category of shitty to put them under.
I’m using Windows and only asking here because Google says it’s a Linux thing, but my question is what is a Bluez and why was it trying to connect to my computer at 5AM this morning?
Great point that I hadn’t even considered, why was it initiating the connection? That actually just made me all the more confused and paranoid about the whole thing. I use a Bluetooth dongle, but I figured it was acting as a central device as expected.
It’s funny, everyone keeps asking the same things so I have to keep typing the same information in this thread. 😅
It came up as a Windows notification center popup in the bottom right corner of the screen saying it was trying to connect or something like that, but when I clicked on it, it came up with a different window offering me yes or no, I clicked no, then it came up in the bottom right corner again starting the loop over, I clicked no several times before opening the connected devices app and disabling Bluetooth completely. This all happened in about 60 seconds as I saw it when grabbing my keys to leave for work at 5am, no one else was awake and I wasn’t interacting with ANY devices or my computer at all beforehand.
I’ll still never probably fully know what happened, but that was a great reply and I appreciate all your help. Luckily my direct neighbors on both sides are old AF and I trust them to not be doing anything like this because they wouldn’t even know what any of it means, but the sketchy businesses behind us that include a liquor store, vape shop and sex shop among others I can’t say I trust as much. I’m glad Windows was kind enough to ask instead of just connecting. 😂
I’m not paying them a penny either way, but if you’re going to, wouldn’t you want more features for your money, even if you don’t use them? Or are you suggesting they charge less for a subscription sans music?
All the McD*nalds in my area have been upgraded with order kiosks. Regardless of all the controversy around self-checkout, and minimum wage, and automation taking our jobs, I personally love them. I can take my sweet time composing my order, I can see the full selection (such as it is), I can see pictures and prices clearly...
Do yourself a favor (
Five apps😅 not so many for me (
Destigmatize Bankruptcy. (
A Nautilus Sucks Donkeyballs Linux Rant
Nautilus, the Gnome file assistant manager, sucks utter donkeyballs. Let us make an unordered list of the ways:...
no window (
A better Revanced (
Watched Louis Rossman today, and he’s part of the team behind a new app for watching online video content - not just youtube, but nebula, peertube, twitch and more....
Do you interact more in Lemmy?
I have noticed that I interact a lot more in Lemmy than I ever did in any social media. Let it be Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… I am used to be the lurker, but here for some reason things are different. Wonder if more people feel like I do.
‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens (
Here we go again…
Bluez trying to connect to my PC?
I’m using Windows and only asking here because Google says it’s a Linux thing, but my question is what is a Bluez and why was it trying to connect to my computer at 5AM this morning?
Youtube Anti-AntiAdblocker uBlock Origin Filter
To get rid of the annoying YouTube message (ad blocker are not allowed on Youtube) use this custom filter in uBlock extension...
This fast food order kiosk accepts cash (
All the McD*nalds in my area have been upgraded with order kiosks. Regardless of all the controversy around self-checkout, and minimum wage, and automation taking our jobs, I personally love them. I can take my sweet time composing my order, I can see the full selection (such as it is), I can see pictures and prices clearly...