Do yourself a favor

EffortlessEffluvium, 47 years ago, my 4th grade (US) teacher made me eat the school cafeteria’s cole slaw, never mind that I told her I really don’t like cole slaw. Threw it right up! My mother was pretty mad at my teacher for that…
conorab, Coleslaw is good as long as it’s kept cold. Room temperature or higher coleslaw is horrid! To be fair, that applied to a lot of salads though.
oo1ooo11o1o1o1, What about on a burger? It naturally gets warm that way but it is still amazing.
mycatiskai, Then it is Slaw, rather than Coldslaw.
conorab, Oh that’s still awesome!
STUPIDVIPGUY, huh? coleslaw is amazing
LoamImprovement, Is it really that bad? Like I’ve had bad slaw before but the good stuff with fennel and celery seed is tasty. Nice little appetizer to your fish and chippo.
southsamurai, ![]()
As a southern cook, where and when would you like me to pit smoke you and serve you on a bun with a nice aise of slaw?
redcalcium, Why make coleslaw when you can deep fried (or air fried) the cabbage. Less effort and tastier result.
JayJay, I like cabbage and coleslaw just has a very wide range of good and bad. I’ve had coleslaw that tastes like a bar of soap, and I’ve had coleslaw that’s delicious. For me, cabbage is better than lettuce on a sandwich though, so im biased af.
general_kitten, cabbage is just salad 2.0
PyroNeurosis, ![]()
Huh. Never considered a cabbage-wich before. Gonna have me a fun weekend now!
dewritoninja, I will die defending coleslaw you heathens
ryathal, The overly sweet crap at most restaurants can go straight in the trash.
Darkenfolk, “Do not suffer the coleslaw enjoyer to live”, ~some holy book
imgprojts, The book of the Dave Matthews band chapter 3 verse 6.
Agent641, Miss mebwith that KFC slop but homemade is the GOAT.
spudwart, ![]()
Alright so, here are the “Throw it in the trash” sides
- Coleslaw
- Sauerkraut
- Cauliflower
- Sweet Potato Fries
- Mashed Potatoes w/ Skin
- BBQ Chips
southsamurai, ![]()
What what?!
Are you trying to have demons summoned and sent to torment you? Because that’s how you get demons summoned and sent to torment you
WeirdGoesPro, ![]()
I like all of these things.
spudwart, ![]()
dgendreau, ![]()
I once ordered a Reuben at a deli and they made with coleslaw instead of sauerkraut. I said that is not a Reuben and I’m not paying for it.
southsamurai, ![]()
I fucking love me some slaw, but a Reuben by definition has kraut, period.
spudwart, ![]()
I don’t see the difference. Coleslaw is cold trash while Sauerkraut is hot trash.
Asafum, That’s an interesting way of writing “my taste buds are unrefined.”
XbSuper, If you like coleslaw, I hate you.
DigitalPaperTrail, deleted_by_author
Delphia, Also who TF sits down to a big bowl of coleslaw? Its a side dish. You pair it with shit.
Julienne apple slaw and spicy pulled pork.
Candied pinapple slaw and jerk chicken.
Elevate your cullinary game folks.
fluke, ![]()
How about you go in the trash with the caesar salad?
RickyRigatoni, ![]()
coleslaw is good you just have no culture, sweetie 😘
pyrflie, Bless their heart.
BakedGoods, If your culture is mixing mayonnaise into everything I want no part in it.
Catweazle, Spanish ![]()
A couple in an elegant restaurant in Texas. The waiter appears, dressed in a tailcoat with a bottle wrapped in a napkin: "Chateo de Sauce, 1985" and pours a little into the customer's glass, the customer tastes it and nods. The Waiter leaves and the other couple says "Wow, you were right, really a high-class restaurant."
"I already said it, and this was just the ketchup."
Teon, ![]()
Ummm... cabbage makes your tits grow... so, there's that.
backhdlp, ![]()
Where to buy thirty five kilos of cabbages
darcy, ![]()
Blackout, ![]()
Seems like someone has their weekend planned
darcy, ![]()
Teon, ![]()
Russian moms would tell their daughters this.
Lifebandit666, That explains my man tits
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