Pretty sure that’s illegal. You have to leave the back license plate visible. /s
On second thought, is that a license plate on the front? Where I’m from (in the US), it’s on the back, but there’s also a spot for one on the front where people like to put decorative plates (license plates, not fine china lmao…). Anyway, I never thought about why there’s a spot for one on the front. Do some places put the actual license plate in front? Do some people that here and I’ve just never noticed? Or do car manufacturers just put a holder there for people’s decorative ones?
If I sound like an idiot, it’s just because I’m young and I don’t drive. But now I’m curious lol.
I remember applying online for work study jobs as a freshman. Every single application required me to provide three references, but I could only give two (maybe that sounds weird, but just take my word for it lol). I ended up just filling the third with N/As, except they had to fit the input requirements so it was weird stuff like “”. I put a note in the comments at the end to explain it, but I only heard back from two of the dozens of positions I applied for, and I couldn’t help but think that was a reason. But idk, what else was I supposed to do? ಠಿ_ಠ
It all worked out tho, and I absolutely love the job I have now. And thank fuck, I’ll have no shortage of references next time. Thanks for reading if you got this far lmao.
I was curious how many people in prison are forced to work. If this source is correct, it’s about 2/3. But the conditions of that work are apparently worse than I’d thought. Here’s the original report (posted last year) and an article with a summary. Correction is welcome if this is inaccurate ◉‿◉
Could you clarify for me - are you agreeing that prison time in most cases is harmful? Or that it’s only bad in specific cases? Or maybe, are you saying that most prisons are good, but only for ~10% of the people who spend time in them? Please correct me if I’m way off lol
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