“no warranty” is very different from “expect bugs and breakage”
It tells me they’re not confident in or trying for stability. Which means I have to expect issues and fix up time requirements. Which I’m not willing to invest regularly.
42 million user IDs and phone numbers for a third-party version of Telegram were exposed online without a password. The accounts belong to users in Iran, where the official Telegram app is blocked.
How is that a state exploit of Telegram? It’s not even about Telegram. It’s a third party app.
Easy way to add custom search engines (I assume other browsers have this too, but I know that on Firefox it’s a little bit longer process to make one)
The reasonable alternative in Firefox is search bookmarks. Create a bookmark with search url target and %s placeholder, and give it a search keyword. Then you can search with keyword search text.
I’m using the website of my instance. Lemmy instances typically have their own website you can use - which is exactly or slightly modified versions of the interface of the Lemmy project.
If you trust your instance with your account and its associated data surely you trust it’s website.
yt-dlp has the -F parameter to list the available stream formats. (uppercase F to list, lowercase f to select)
I use -f 251 to download the opus audio stream, and afterwards use ffmpeg -i file -c copy file.opus to copy the opus audio stream in an opus file format file (codec copy so without encoding losses).