This was the first thing I assumed would happen when they announced the API pricing. A lot of spam prevention and deletion is done by bots that use the API, made by people that likely can’t pay the new exorbitant fees to keep those going.
All I see from them is the big tubs of those awesome cheese balls. If those are any indication of the quality of the rest of their products: I really wanna try Hydrox.
Just further evidence Sasso could have just done the impersonation himself and it would have been a fine tribute (and had better timing and delivery), but he used an AI to replicate his voice and mannerisms instead. Sure, I don’t think he could have done a great job of impersonating how Carlin sounds but the mannerisms and delivery would have been enough and something he should be pretty good at considering his time on MadTV where he did a lot of impersonation stuff (such as his Stephen Segal character).
So what you’re saying is, the “Up the Thanos” strategy could have worked if Antman simply flew up there while Thanos was emptying his bowels due to the changes to his gut biome. The only difficulty would be swimming up the stream of liquid shit ejecting out at high speeds.
The only time I was agitated by it was with the George Carlin thing.
It pissed me off that it was done without permission. It annoyed me that “AI” also kinda looks like “AL” with a lowercase L and when next to another name, makes it read like AL CARLIN or AL GEORGE. And it divided me somewhat because I watched the damn special and it was mostly funny and did feel like Carlin’s style (though it certainly didn’t sound right and it had timing issues). So, like… It wasn’t shit in and of itself, but the nature of what it is and the fact it was done without permission or consent is concerning. Shame on Will Sasso for that. He could have just done his own impersonation and wrote his own jokes in the style of Carlin; it would have been a far better display of respect and appreciation than having an AI do it.
I don’t think he’s a sick and disgusting person for this; even before it all blew up, it seemed more like a tribute to a comedian he adored. Just a poorly thought out way of doing one that may have some pretty hard consequences.
I watched it once as a kid when I saw it at the video store and rented it because the idea of a single film that spanned 4 tapes was insane. I haven’t watched it more than that one time. I don’t even really remember the plot or anything; but the boxed set looks hella nice which is why when I saw it for $5 at Suncoast back in high school, I snatched it up. I also couldn’t watch it even if I wanted to because it’s VHS and I no longer have a VHS player and it’s not like I can just go get one easily.
When that show was new, I could sing them all. Kinda. I certainly had no idea what the words were, but I listened to them enough that I could fake it lol