Around that same time. Searching online I didn’t find anything saying it’s either one but rather both with both being acceptable (but not mixing as mentioned). Seems to depend on the teacher with lot of the older (possibly now retired) teachers being more familiar and teaching British English, sometimes as the only “correct” one and younger (not particularly young now) generation of teachers being more familiar with American English and teaching primarily that.
So, depends. Both are taught, there’s no unified policy for preference of one over another that I could find.
At one point I had one of those teachers that thought British English was the only correct one. She was a real superfan of the British royal family and took sickdays or just made us watch with her if there was some televised event hah.
A famine is a widespread scarcity of food,[1][2] caused by several factors including war, natural disasters, crop failure, widespread poverty, an economic catastrophe or government policies.
I don’t know about butches but women wearing male clothing is just an everyday thing where I live. So much so that a lot of male clothes are just unisex clothes. Not so for women’s clothing
I’m a long-time Transmission user but I just learned that VPN killswitches are a thing (how did it take me so long!?). I would like to try another client which has this feature in case I forget to launch my VPN client before opening Transmission. Does anybody have any recommendations? Deluge? QBittorrent? Or any others?...
We live in a society (
Stayin' Alive (
Full power (: (
Planes :) (
This post (
You can choose normal, fancy, or wildcard. (
Too soon! (
By Zayatoon comics
What happens when Linus dies/retires?
Will we all be fucked or is there a Linus 2?
It's not fair (
(sorry if anyone got this post twice. I posted while Lemmy.World was down for maintenance, and it was acting weird, so I deleted and reposted)
Favourite FOSS Torrenting Client for Linux that has a VPN killswitch?
I’m a long-time Transmission user but I just learned that VPN killswitches are a thing (how did it take me so long!?). I would like to try another client which has this feature in case I forget to launch my VPN client before opening Transmission. Does anybody have any recommendations? Deluge? QBittorrent? Or any others?...