The chickens aren’t separated in the store; all the butchering and separating happens in the factory. The store gets boxes of legs, boxes of breasts, boxes of thighs, etc.
It seems plausible someone was very new and mistook the drumlet bin for the drumstick bin. I’d bet your order wasn’t the only mistake before someone noticed and corrected them.
It may be worth contacting the shop with your photo, because it will be obvious to them that is a drumlet. May be worth a free meal.
Okay, that’s weird. I get KFC on occasion and haven’t noticed any appreciable change in the drumstick size. The one in your photo is tiny and appears to be the same shape and size as a standard drumlet.
That’s what regulations are supposed to do, and the very large network of regulations working within and across industries are nearly invisible to the public because they’re beneficial. Some regulations were put in place to serve malicious actors at the expense of the public, but they’re not the norm, and many do get repealed when more people become aware of their damage.
This seems like a good example of regulations improving the system, which also had beneficial knock-on effects.
Didn’t alcohol use actually go up during temperance? I swear I read some studies on that. Like that was the reason it failed – alcohol use not only increased, but the alcohol that was available became more dangerous, so temperance was reversed and regulations on how it was made and licensing were instated.
It didn’t age well in some respects (misogyny, racism, borderline sexual assault), but it’s a great watch and the envisioning of a dystopian 2022 through the lens of 1973 is fascinating.
e: your comment inspired me to rewatch it and the 30 year old man living with his father is spot on.
You have been sentenced to life in a micronation of your choosing (Sealand, Molossia, etc.) The micronation must have actual land and you may never leave that land. What micronation do you choose?...
How can I purchase a Kaharagian title or knighthood?
The acquisition of a Kaharagian title or knighthood through purchase is not possible. Our principality upholds the principles outlined in Royal Decree No. 5/2010, which explicitly prohibits the sale of titles and honours. This decree, enacted by the Prince as one of the foundational tenets of our principality, ensures the integrity of our system. It is crucial to note that engaging in such transactions is not only forbidden but also reprehensible, as it serves as a deceptive means for scammers to exploit individuals seeking titles. In Kaharagia, titles and honours are bestowed solely based on demonstrated service, dedication, and meritorious contributions, reinforcing the core values that underpin our principality.
I was awarded the Royal Decoration of Saint Michael the Archangel from the Principality of Kaharagia, so that would be my first choice, since I’m a Lady. Last I knew they were still looking for land, though, so that may be out.
Second choice is Monaco.
e: didn’t realise Monaco is officially recognised.
Suggestion: Please only post one title, if the title already posted in comments than instead of reposting it again just upvote it. But you are welcome to talk about this titles in more detail. Thank you for participating. (This is not a rule!)...
I originally posted this on the other site back when I took the picture, and it resulted in a lot of confused comments, especially from Americans, eventually getting removed by overzealous mods. Either way, I promise you that this date does not exist, and has never existed.
Also, can we take a moment to appreciate how cats domesticated us, not the other way round? A cat is basically the only animal that can barge into your home and say ‘I live here now’ and instead of freaking out and shooing it out the door, many of us will say ‘welp, I guess we have a cat now’ and go out to buy food and toys.
They’re pretty exceptional when it comes to taking full advantage of our parenting instincts.
4202 g (
Oregon Airport Unveils Unconventional Stress-Busters: Meet The Therapy Llamas Bringing Joy To Travelers (
How to start the day off strong (
What are some dark sides to cute super-powers ?
For example: being able to turn anything into food but anything can include living things such as humans
Are charisma and "panache" basically the same or how would you differentiate?
A masterpiece (
You have to spend the rest of your life in a micronation. Which do you choose?
You have been sentenced to life in a micronation of your choosing (Sealand, Molossia, etc.) The micronation must have actual land and you may never leave that land. What micronation do you choose?...
Not such a conspiracy theory now (
What is your favorite time travel movie or show?
Suggestion: Please only post one title, if the title already posted in comments than instead of reposting it again just upvote it. But you are welcome to talk about this titles in more detail. Thank you for participating. (This is not a rule!)...
This package of bagels I bought expired on a date that doesn't exist. (
I originally posted this on the other site back when I took the picture, and it resulted in a lot of confused comments, especially from Americans, eventually getting removed by overzealous mods. Either way, I promise you that this date does not exist, and has never existed.
Punt gun for mass-hunting waterfowl in a, uh, punt, Britain, 1900-1912 (
Chair this image (
No touchy da seat (
And I love him (
*Neanderthals hunting mammoth* (1897), unknown artist, artwork photograph courtesy of The Beaker Institute Science Library (