Thoughts == benign shit passing through your brain that cause no personal discomfort.
Obtrusive thoughts == shit that intrudes on your regular internal monologue and causes discomfort or fixation.
It’s fine to have such thoughts, and it’s also fine to acknowledge that you don’t want them. Like I’m trying to get on with my day, but now my brain is playing a vivid horror show and I just want to finish my TPS report, not walk through every moment of myself shattering Steve’s skull with the fire axe because he can’t figure out how to use the collate function on the printer.
Sure, you can embrace that shit as fictional, but it’s distracting in the moment.
I guess there are degrees of intrusive thoughts, because no, it’s not really the same. ‘Don’t think about the elephant’ causes a benign and very fleeting fixation.
Intrusive thoughts are things that linger, often in a disturbing way, long after you want them gone. They interfere with your ability to focus.
The elephant thing is like a musical ear worm whereas intrusive thoughts can be like someone blaring industrial music in your ears. I’m not explaining this well, but it’s on another level.
I’m glad you’re so enlightened, but you should also understand that just because you have a zen-like mastery over your whole brain doesn’t mean it’s effortless for everyone.
I’d posit that rather than arguing with a definition that helps many people understand their own challenges, you might consider that the definition isn’t wrong, it’s just not meant for you. That those people are accessing the tools and skills they need, and this definition is one of those tools.
Truth be told, I don’t suffer from overly intrusive thoughts, either, but I understand and can empathise with those who do. We’re not all the same, and understanding each other’s experiences is one of our greatest strengths as humans.
I’d perhaps liken it more to jumping in the water to save someone who’s drowning.
You’re trying to help them and they should logically know that, but their instinct drives them to grab you everywhere and act like an anchor, drowning you both.
No matter how rational a person is, emotion and subconscious reactions can override all of that. That’s not really a failing as it’s the basis for empathy, but those same subconscious reactions can form a feedback loop that’s very difficult to escape.
but my natural capacity for logic obliterated my emotional development. I can and do functionally parse all my emotional thought through logic. This is my weakness and my strength.
Dude, 100% same. I spent the better part of two decades developing my capacity for empathy (it was a core requirement in my chosen career), and I still have issues truly relating on an individual level.
Humans are messy, incoherent, illogical creatures. You and I are, too, whether or not we want to see it. The pitfall we face is our propensity to extrapolate our personal experience to others where that just doesn’t work. We want things to make sense, and we think our solution should just work, but people aren’t like coins with binary answers. They’re more like a fistful of dice made of slime and bees with no numbers on their faces.
We make you want to give up because we’re confusing and painful. Eventually you can figure out patterns, though they’ll change and frustrate you.
Sorry for the mini-rant. I’ve enjoyed our conversation.
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There’s literally never been a good position on the fucking decades long Israel conflict that will please people. Most people smart and/or old enough know to stay the fuck out of it. It’s a meme, for fuck’s sake. There was a Rick and Morty episode about it several years ago, that’s how much of a meme it is now.
If you’re judging Biden by that, you’re obviously too young to remember the last time this volcano of shit erupted. Maybe look at other issues that impact American’s lives that don’t have to do with inane fantasies about Armageddon.
You obviously didn’t, if you’re still spouting trump’s talking points.
Or you actively want fascism, since he’s dropped the mask, finally. So which is it – are you being wilfully ignorant, or ready to be an open fascist? He’s making his stance perfectly clear. We can all see it now.
If you’re still willing to defend that… I want to say I pity you, but I can’t. Fascism will lose, hard this time. We’re onto it. We see it for what it is.
I get you wanting that one thing. As a libertarian, it’s all about you, and nobody’s going to change your mind because you know best. Good for you.
Meanwhile, people with social empathy (that’s the actual definition of ‘woke’, by the way) will vote for all of your rights, not just the 2A. We want you to have full rights to your body and life, even if you hate us for it.
I want your children to grow up in a world where they’re safe and happy. One in which they can make all the own decisions after they’ve benefited from the best education and healthcare this first-world country can offer them. One in which they’re truly free. – intellectually, economically, and socially.
And despite what republicans and libertarians cry about, I will vote every time for people who will make that happen. And that’s never been republicans or libertarians. They’re lying to you. They’ve always lied to you, because they want power over you, and to get that power, they make you afraid.
I am not afraid. I refuse to be afraid. I’ve seen all of society – I’ve been homeless, and I’ve been at the pinnacle of a white collar career. My family had a beach house in Mexico in the 80s when tourism wasn’t much of a thing there. I hitchhiked across the US in the late 80s. I’ve seen some shit.
You’re being lied to. It hurts to admit, I get that. But some very savvy politicians are making you angry and scared on purpose. Please stop letting them do that to you.
Wait, are you saying democrats have sucked Bush’s dick? I must be misunderstanding what you’re saying, because that’s ludicrous.
I haven’t padded or fluffed anything. I’m very critical of all politicians, but I’m also realistic in what can be accomplished within the system we have. I don’t love democrats, and in my ideal world we’d have a better system.
But I will not allow fascism to grow in the bed of misguided discontent, which is literally what you’re doing.
That first link is ridiculous, because it’s not about democrats liking Bush, but about democrats pining for a sane candidate again as opposed to trump. I said the same things back then. I hate Bush, but at least he was sane. Your article isn’t about democrats liking Bush, but about them hating trump so very much, even the notorious Bush seemed decent by comparison, and that’s saying something.
How did we move from the 2A to you niggling over the student loan issue, which is most of your links? Do you even care about the student loan issue? I’ll bet you don’t, and it’s such a small part of what Biden has done, I can’t help but think you’re being disingenuous in bringing it up.
Come on, be real with me. What’s your real issue here?
Did you miss the part where I said I hated Bush? Why are you so angry about that? Why are you so angry at me?
We probably want the same things. I’m just not angry about it at people I haven’t met, like you. I’m not afraid of people because people I also haven’t met are telling me to be.
You sound like a smart person. Stop arguing with someone you don’t know on the internet and start thinking about why you’re being manipulated to be angry at people like me. I’m not trying to take anything from you, I promise.
e: feel free to reply in a day or so after you’ve got a reply distilled from whatever group you might copy/paste my comment to. I’ll be here.
Trump would never kill the Jews. Not because he cares about them at all (in fact, if it were profitable for him, he absolutely would), but his biggest supporters are evangelicals who need the Jews to be in control of the region in order to bring on their Armageddon.
There are tons of articles like that from evangelical groups. They legitimately think this is the end times, and they’re happy to see all of us burn for it. They publicly say climate change isn’t real, but privately they say it’s ordained and a sign of the apocalypse. They’re against people doing anything about it, and there are Dominionists in Congress and the Supreme Court. They’re going to kill us all if they can.
Where else are the house elves supposed to live in modern homes? We don’t have servants’ quarters and the closet is packed floor-to-ceiling with vintage porn.
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