Not to make them feel included, but to kill their curiosity.
That’s how she feels included. Even if you don’t mean it that way, that’s how she sees it. She’s important enough that you care what she thinks. That’s good cat parenting.
I hadn’t realised till just now, but I do miss SC’s bullying and harassment. I don’t unleash disasters near as much nowdays, and I wonder if that’s part of why. I don’t have department heads and politicians openly disappointed in me all the time.
The small masochist in me is trying to convince me to ask for that feature back.
When your future began to depend on what you were published in, and those publishers had to compete with corporate interests. Capitalism poisons nearly everything it touches, but especially academia.
is it a formatting step that an image goes through when uploaded? I’m tired of converting image after image back into jpg, so if there’s like a step I can take to avoid it being a webp, it would help to know
Minor niggle: the ‘deep fried effect’ isn’t because jpg throws away information every time, it’s because the compression algorithm averages pixel boundaries, and that averaging multiplies with each compression pass.
It can actually bloat the size of the file by adding information – adding data to previously null pixels, whereas png would keep them clean.
e: it achieves this through pixel averaging (fuzzing), which is why you’ll see grey artefacts bleeding into the pixels around line art. This is magnified with each compression.
because vag-in-front centaurs don’t show up in art very much.
I’m a bit curious how you know this, but I’m just gonna flag you as a centaur anatomy expert and refrain from asking questions I don’t want the answer to.
Fun fact: some people have a nature fetish and will dig holes in the ground or bore holes in trees so they can literally fuck the earth. I’m not judging, but now you have to share the burden of this knowledge.
She helps when I cook. (
She smell checks almost every ingredient and never tastes. Best cat. Then she smells the end product and we’re both like ‘that’s that done, then’.
why would he do that? (
Paradox how could you (
Thank God (
Joy (
Why are 90% of the images WebP format?
is it a formatting step that an image goes through when uploaded? I’m tired of converting image after image back into jpg, so if there’s like a step I can take to avoid it being a webp, it would help to know
I have several questions, actually (
What a time to be alive (
When you’re trying to hit a spent bowl and nearly set your eye on fire (