YouTube appears to just be pushing random videos with almost no views regardless of your interests. I try my best to curate my subscriptions and watch history and I still will get recommendations for “Part 72” of a playthrough of a game that isn’t even a genre I have a history of playing. They’re just pushing garbage at this point.
The shoes are probably worthless to most folks, +400% stamina isn’t a whole lot when you only have 1 stamina. Would they work during sex? You’re faster, but also last longer?
I’d probably take the mask, just because that’s what would benefit me the most right now.
I really liked YuYu Hakusho for having big title cards whenever some characters would use attacks (and sometimes equipment/weapons) without yelling. It was also nice that the narrator would sometimes explain things quickly to not detract from the action, though they stopped doing that pretty early on, presumably because they assumed the audience would have a better grasp on things as the show progressed, or because the characters actually had a reason to assess or explain things.
Really making me wrack my brain here, but that’s what I got for now, tried to pick a few that a lot of folks probably wouldn’t be all too familiar with. Of course there’s plenty more I like that have already been mentioned here like Sorairo Days and the like.
It (isekai) was incredibly popular in light novel circles several years ago and they’re finally making the rounds in the anime industry now. They’ll be replaced soon enough, most likely by light fantasy, power fantasy, with video game elements which are already starting to pop up.
I didn't even know there were more after the 2nd. (
It's dangerous to go alone. Take this. (
Based off a post I made on Reddit a while back. Hope y’all enjoy....
Prometheus (
Fun (
You can only pick one (
Plus your enemy knows what's coming (
This too shall pass? (
What do you think is the coolest designed sci-fi gun?
I mean the physical design of the gun, not the projectile or effect.
Anime fans, what are your favorite anime openings of all time? (
How much for cuddles? (
What is it with anime and this trope (