i went cold turkey when i got that early, free upgrade from win7 to win 10. after a week of win 10 and unable to downgrade back to 7. Bam. i became full time linux at that moment.
Ok I’d cut through all of this and focus on your needs: phone with no spying, can’t find rom. I assume you mean your phone isn’t supported for graphene, lineage, or calyxos, or any others I missed?
Easiest way: buy a phone that is supported for the privacy minded os you want.
Ignore this “you’re asking in the wrong place” response.
Others have been experiencing this too. It appears to have no real affect on your subscription status. I have a few like that as well. They still behave as if they are successfully subscribed.
Pfft. This dude. It’s like this guy’s where you google something to find the answer, arrive at a prospective link and “omg why are you asking, go Google it”.