You should be safe if you are the only one with access to that computer.
If you are sharing the computer with another human being; please Unplug your Yubikey and take it with you when you are not using the computer and it is likely that another human being could be using the computer. Just to be safe; Do Not Leave Your Yubikey Plugged In If Another Person Is Using It…unless you’re authorizing them to access something.
Your Yubikey can’t tell who clicked it’s button as it is NOT a Fingerprint Reader.
Search through your settings for a “Quick Pair” or “Fast Pair” option. Turn it OFF. Do not leave it turned on except during times when you’re wanting to use a known device you’ve bought new that supports the feature.
Turn the feature off when not setting up new devices to work with other devices.
I plan to Continue Refusing To Daily Drive Linux again this year in my standard drive to push Linux, Linux Developers, Managers and Contributors to be more friendly for end users. You have to be better than Windows, and we know you people can achieve it if more can and do contribute. Make Contributing Easy and they will Contribute.
Maybe I’ll spin up a Matrix Homeserver with Beeper bridges to self-host that…if that becomes a necessity. Getting to know how to use and administrate Linux efficiently is always a good thing to learn, even if it’s not easy still, and even if the bad old days were even worse.
The Linux for Windows subsystem is a nice to have that makes learning a little less troublesome.
So, I downloaded Lego Jurassic World on mobile as an APK. On launching the game it displayed Chinese text. On translating the text, I found out that it was Chinese Age-verification. How do I bypass this. Or do I not bypass this at all and download another version
Uninstall and Delete with extreme prejudice. Find an APK that has this removed or cracked; or make sure your system locale or language do not imply you might be Chinese speaking.
But the reality is much more complex than that. IANAL, but I do believe that they should likely avoid trying to monetize your data.
That doesn’t stop people who buy reddit from attempting it, but as I said before…if they do so egregiously, sue them.
In an ideal world your data should not be monetized. They might have backups but your data should eventually get phased out of those backups over time. It’s impractical for them to keep data forever, and old data is much less valuable.
This message showed when I entered the serial specifically made for pirates. Right now feeling nothing but respect for plugin devs. Next month Imma buy this plugin 100% fixed, need it or don’t need it doesn’t matter anymore lol.
I’ve left wigh 10 gb in my hd, almost 300 gb in my hd are occupied by culturally relevant films (in hig deifinition) that in the future (I bielieve, and I’m afraid) won’t be so easy to find and thus I am reluctant to delete....
First of all, take the HDD offline. That means power it off (Turn off your computer) and do not use it, by removing it AND unplugging GENTLY from your computer and putting it in a safe, dry non-vibrating place. If this drive is the only drive in your computer, you need to stop using that computer.
Second of all, you must purchase a new hard drive! Save up for it if you must, you must have a new Hard Drive or SSD to save the data.
Third, you must wait until you have purchased a new hard drive for the data. once you have done so, you can take your computer offline again, and reinstall/re-plug in your drive, then bring it back online and copy the data over to the new drive immediately!
Just because someone skips a track doesn’t mean that track was wrong for that playlist. It just means the time was wrong for that track. The mood.
I don’t know if anyone else has noticed; but “Shuffle” used to be a good thing! Now; it frequently just isn’t good at it’s job. There’s no control over the “Randomness” of the shuffle anymore, and there’s no way to turn off any “Algorithm” that promises it can pick the next song better than random shuffling can.
Sometimes that experience of a truly random or an algorithmic shuffle is good; and sometimes it delivers bad options, and being able to say “Nah, I’m just not into this track today, NEXT!” is something I regard as a fundamental right, and something that you too, should do. Skips shouldn’t be precious actions. Your mental heath shouldn’t be impacted by an unlucky shuffle, nor should your mood.
Music is a deep, and almost primal form of expression; and it can express many things. Sooo…Being able to skip the emotional equivalent of a 💩 pile of poo 💩 is actually pretty important…even if it doesn’t 🌹 always (metaphorically) smell 🌸 like poo to you all the time.
Nice. Once upon a time Winamp had a functional preferences slider that controlled the “Shuffle Morph Rate” and I can imagine it likely used a similar algorithm to shuffle.
I only wish this existed in more software in general…and that music players would let you select what method the randomization is achieved with.
Furthermore I own a similar model, the 550BTs. The “Tune” line does not support USB Audio at the 5xx range of models
Additionally you must not chain adaptors as it will sound terrible and you will get the lowest quality output.
My 550BTs have included a 2.5mm -> 3.5mm jack cable and it has a 2.5mm Jack on it for wired audio output. An official Apple Lightning to 3.5mm jack dongle will work but the OP would rather not use cables…Therefore a Bluetooth model is probably needed.
I strongly recommend the 550BTs, and the 660NCs as well
“I’m aware that you’re paying nearly $30 a month for our Ad-Free tier; but this content creator still demands we put Ads on this shit. Here’s an Ad!” Crashes and refuses to begin playback again when your browser that’s configured to block those ads blocks it.
“Oh, you’re paying a little extra to limit advertising interruptions? Oh sorry! That only works on pre-roll and post-roll ads. Enjoy your fucking Mid(t)roll ad that you can’t fucking skip!”
There’s always been an invisible 4th dimensional peg that’s not talked about in most USB-A connectors, and you are required to flip your plug around so many times to get it in to the correct position.
Some of us have that inherent knack to sense the 4th dimensional peg without perceiving it…and thus we do not have this struggle. Meanwhile others completely lack intuition of the aforementioned 4th dimension and struggle endlessly with that peg.
I worked for many years (hundreds of hours) locating, remastering and uploading content for a fan-based YouTube channel named ‘R.E.M. Archive’. I did 99% of the work and was happy to do this for the huge fan base. I believe the channel existed for about 6 years or so....
You can appeal this bogus appeal outcome; but prepare to go to battle on Twitter with TeamYoutube and don’t expect to win…unless you can prove your channel was either “more official”, “not claiming to be official”, or "Not Official, not claiming to be, and you started your channel before they started theirs.
Most of the time it’s not worth the effort unless you have overwhelming evidence.
I am looking for a solution. I’m thinking of a locally hosted socks5 proxy like TOR has, but instead of TOR, this self hosted proxy can be configured to rotate through other remote proxies that I have access to...
Obligatory disclaimer here; I strongly recommend you do not do what you are planning to do with only rotating proxies. Tor is much safer and more private about this sort of thing; you will be de-anonymized easily if you do not use Tor.
Now that the obligatory “privacy community” disclaimers are out of the way; I can say that I do understand what you’re trying to do. Frequently many websites ban the ever loving crap out of Tor Exit nodes and simply will refuse you any service if they even sniff a hint of The Onion Router on your packets. This is, unfortunately, an intentional design decision of Tor Project. You see; they understand the massive potential for abuse of Tor.
Unfortunately…this probably leaves you, the reader, in a situation. You end up being required to choose to either trust or do without. In today’s world; that’s just absolutely freaking impractical even in the best of cases.
Unfortunately the same websites who block Tor are also the same kind of websites with the kind of kinks in their panties that also motivate them to block Proxies as well! Seriously; if your packets come in smelling like they came fresh off a SOCKS5 tunnel; the remote website can often tell. Sometimes the website will be nice and wave this on through; but only if you include headers like X-Forwarded-For: in your request…which defeats the entire purpose of the damn proxy; as that header is for putting your original IP address in.
So in the end your traffic will still ‘stink’; either of Onions or of SOCKS. Sure, you could buy a VPN; but now you’re coming from an obvious VPN proxy and websites that already hate Onions or Socks also hate VPNs; because they can’t see who might be abusing their service.
Now you can try all three ideas and see which one the site will accept. Your mileage may vary and some websites indeed will block all three; Cloudflare, which is a CDN that also services many other websites and protects their edges from DDoS attacks is notorious for doing this.
Best of luck. All I can recommend is a paid VPN plan, pay more than $0 and ideally less than you would spend on a week of coffee; and make sure that the provider not only does not log; but make sure that the provider also is verified by third parties who aren’t shady…to actually be a no-log VPN service. This will take lots of research but it’s worth knowing who in the VPN space are shysters and who arent.
No, I won’t recommend a particular service; I’d rather you did your own homework and risk analysis anyways
If a Paid VPN is out of the question; using Tor may be your only option. If you have multiple proxies you’re probably paying for them anyways and could afford a VPN.
Read the article! The change isn’t live yet…and you can likely disable it once it drops.
“While an exact date is still unknown,” Bard says, “all signs point towards Bard’s arrival in Google Messages sometime in 2024. It could be a matter of weeks or months, but it’s definitely coming.” Meanwhile, what we’ve seen thus far remains buried deep inside a beta release and subject to change before release.
yubikey and USB
Hi guys,...
How do I prevent others random device suggestions in Public Areas? (
As title suggests, how do I go about stopping my phone from scanning my surroundings for extra devices?...
18+ What the Fuck Amazon?! (
Come tell Tux🐧your Linux plans for next year to cheer him up (
Will he make it? (…
Which pill do you choose? (
Chinese Age-verification (
So, I downloaded Lego Jurassic World on mobile as an APK. On launching the game it displayed Chinese text. On translating the text, I found out that it was Chinese Age-verification. How do I bypass this. Or do I not bypass this at all and download another version
I deleted all my post from my reddit account, can they still monetize them?
Deleting a post is simply marking a piece of text so nobody sees it, but I think the text is still stored in their servers....
Love devs' attitude towards piracy, TruePianos v1.9.8 (audio VSTi plugin) (
This message showed when I entered the serial specifically made for pirates. Right now feeling nothing but respect for plugin devs. Next month Imma buy this plugin 100% fixed, need it or don’t need it doesn’t matter anymore lol.
My HD is chocking but I don't want to throw away culturally precious mataerial (mainly movies)
I’ve left wigh 10 gb in my hd, almost 300 gb in my hd are occupied by culturally relevant films (in hig deifinition) that in the future (I bielieve, and I’m afraid) won’t be so easy to find and thus I am reluctant to delete....
Skipping along, missing most of the beats... (
Securing Bluetooth Headphones
cross-posted from:
do you guys have this movie? ( en-gb…...
universal struggle bait (
Recent and perplexing ordeal with YouTube
I worked for many years (hundreds of hours) locating, remastering and uploading content for a fan-based YouTube channel named ‘R.E.M. Archive’. I did 99% of the work and was happy to do this for the huge fan base. I believe the channel existed for about 6 years or so....
Self-hosted rotating proxy
I am looking for a solution. I’m thinking of a locally hosted socks5 proxy like TOR has, but instead of TOR, this self hosted proxy can be configured to rotate through other remote proxies that I have access to...
Google Update Reveals AI Will Read All Your Private Messages (
Cleaning up my digital presence - Meta endboss
Hey all...