About conversations turning south? Absolutely, totally my fault. Though you’re still all retards fundamentally failing to understand how healthy relationships work or how what I said applies.
If you’re dealing with the boundaries healthily, then it’s not so much an insecurity and more of a limitation. If others are aware and OK with it, I’d call that healthily dealt with. Whether or not the limitation is a problem is merely a matter of preference, and luckily it sounds like yours line up.
I love how everyone assumes “indicative of” is a direct accusation… As if false red flags based on perception do not exist. People are so small minded.
Agreed, but know what they are. They aren’t lines to control someone with. They’re lines someone should agree with and should know may be signs of other controlling behavior. So many people are OK with being controlled and it’s frankly pathetic.
An open relationship isn’t that weird of a concept to some. It’s about how much others mean to you, not how much of them you posess. People in these comments are fucking pathetic for not understanding this basic fact of healthy relationships: You do not own anyone else. To any degree. Period.
Yea, we need a historian to tell us how it went down so we can know who to hate! … jk jk… lol the obvious lesson is do not rush to judgement, especially on assumption. Heck, it might’ve even been a very select few genuine crooks that got the rest punished by team sports attitude that sadly persists to this day.
Isn’t this one of those sayings that has been reversed over the years? Wasn’t it originally to mean that misery spreads misery? Though maybe I think that because some abuse it as a, “smile more” type of vapid advice.