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Yes, but the ones who haven’t even had to develop modern skills are especially screwed. Don’t miss the point just because you want to be pedantic.

Z-Library Blog: "Unprecedented seizure of our domains with books on rare languages" (

Today we are forced to share some sad news - yesterday many of our domains were seized again. We should highlight that the majority of the seized domains were not mirrors of the Z-Library website. Instead, they were separate sub-projects, containing only books in rare languages of the world, and their blocking is perplexing. For...


We’re obviously talking about US police.

MotoAsh, (edited )

That is a problem of how revolution works, not a problem of communism.

Create a power vaccuum, and those who had the most power will STILL have the most influence. Even if you literally killed all the old power, you would be immediately creating an authority structure with the legal authority of capital punishment, which many, MANY communists wouldn’t agree with.

The problem is horrible people exist, NOT the concept of communism. For every reason people shit on Communism, there are twenty valid reasons to shit on capitalism. Neither system works in the real world on its own. To pretend like capitalism is magical in comparison is literally failing to observe reality.

The rich and powerful constantly shit on political action because it IS effective. They do not enjoy going through the effort of retaining power through internal conflicts and ESPECIALLY not actual revolutions. Why would they EVER tell you the truth?

MotoAsh, (edited )

Note: They ALREADY HAVE YOUR DATA in this scenario. You’re like the fucking stupid soldier who wants to go back out there while they’re currently bleeding out… You’ve already lost by the point we’re talking about. They have your email. They have your interests. You’ve already visited their site and gotten their cookies to sign up…

If you even remotely want to see the email, they’re already tracking you far, FAR more than they’d be able to with email. Click on a link in there? Congratulations: It DOESN’T MATTER what’s in the email at that point. You’re back in their entire environment and you’ve signaled email helped get you there. Regardless of what was in the email.

You’re complaining about someone stealing food from your fridge and conveniently ignoring that they have to have access to your house to even try it in the first place…

MotoAsh, (edited )

Just because they CAN have trackers doesn’t make them all bad. You do not know this mailing list does, so it is blatant fear mongering.

You may as well be complaining about how web cookies can be used for bad things. Is it true? Yes. Is it true everywhere? NO! And writing rules around it so ignorantly is how you get the GDPR clause where EVERYONE has a cookie warning popup and hides the tracking cookie options a couple pages in, so they STILL use tracking cookies, and now with legally “informed” consent!

The fear mongering made the situation WORSE because ignorant fucks were more afraid than informed.

Stop being an ignorant fearmonger.


My opinion is about email, not tech companies. If they’re tracking you, it’s most likely not through email.


There is no hill to die on. You’re just too stupid to know how it actually works, so you assume it’s bad.

MotoAsh, (edited )

“They don’t use their own service” is not the same as, “this is evidence they do in fact track via email.”

What you don’t seem to realize is, the signup ITSELF is the data they want, and click through rates. You being on a mailing list is already ample tracking compared to what most people are bitching about… You’re GIVING them the info, then whining about them having it…


You are the cave man screaming about how fire is hot instead of learning how to cook. I hope you’re proud of being the smartest moron.

MotoAsh, (edited )

Hmm, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a movie in theaters, let alone a hidden gem or grossly misadvertised one. I try to avoid ads like the plague.

The only recentish thing that comes to mind is Barbarian, but I don’t think I even saw an ad for it. Not one I paid attention to. Just went randomly, it was not as expected, and we had fun not taking it too seriously anyways, which seems appropriate for that movie.

Others elsewhere in the convo are making some banger recommends, though.


Nahh, that’s just cheap Hollywood shit that’s written so poorly.

It’s hard to tell living in the US, because our media is dominated by Hollywood. You only get to see the one or two gems that get shat out randomly once a decade sitting amongst a giant field of dumbed down Disney fairy tales. That’s if the gems were even advertised all that well in the first place. So much ADD advertising that spoils the climax of the movie ‘and’ gives you the wrong idea of the plot, it’s impossible to tell what’s actually good without watching it.

MotoAsh, (edited )

They are an easy example to demonstrate how stupid OP is. He is using language that is LITERALLY defending Nazis. He is saying the political party that actively, literally runs Nazis on their ticket, is LESS antisemitic than leftists… A group that doesn’t even have a political party in the US.

Am I being a little hyperbolic when I call some Republicans Nazis? Yes, but if you think progressives are more antisemitic than people who literally own Nazi memorabilia, something is fundamentally wrong with your brain.

Nazis are the quintessential antisemite, so if you cannot agree that they are the bigger antisemite… that’s a STRONG indication of pure dumbassery.


Don’t hunt for echo chambers. Hunt for refining your rhetoric so you can make allies no matter where you end up. Seeking echo chambers is simply defeatist reactionary behavior. Voices of all types will not be permitted in certain areas. Especially if you’re randomly spouting off things that you want agreed with.

Are you an intelligent leftist looking for allies, or a reactionary looking for an echo chamber? If it’s the former, then be happy: You don’t have to waste your time proselytizing there if you know you’ll get banned for it there. If it’s the latter, be happy: now you know it’s not your echo chamber.

Are you intelligent? Then why were you bringing up a 30+ year old tragedy in WorldNews? Tiananmen Square has not been news for decades. Yes, there has been many tragedies since, even tragedies that share many hallmarks. Though you using as evidence that your banning was unjust is… simply inadequate.

It’d make perfect sense if you were constantly proselytizing and comparing everything to China.


the left are the real antisemites?

Wow, tell me you’re a fucking pathetic “enlightened centrist” without telling me you’re a pathetic enlightened centrist. Seriously. If you think the left are closer to Nazis than the political party who literally runs Nazis on their ticket… You are beyond fucked. Fucking brainwashed and fucking stupid.

Next you’ll be telling me, “nuhuh, the Nazis were socialists!” No, the Nazis CALLED themselves socialist, but something tells me you’re too stupid to understand the basic fact that Nazis lie.

MotoAsh, (edited )

The point about being omnipotent vs free will is… if he does ANYTHING to change our fate, he’s corrupting free will, which is supposed to be our greatest gift.

The entire concept of an omniprescient and all powerful being is nonsensical as described by Christians. A being LITERALLY CANNOT be all knowing, all kind, and omnipotent. Not if our reality is involved.

That is why there is so much debate over the nature of god and “good”. As described, it is literally impossible, so it becomes incredibly subjective.

Morals are subjective, and so is God.


The actual truth if you believe Christian theology. Angels AND God are fully capable of changing things, but free will is sort of like the Prime Directive in Star Trek if you want to be charitable. Uncharitably, we’re God’s play things and only a tiny fraction of the most loyal will see true reward.

The vast field of ambiguity between those two points is … kinda’ the point in why there has been so much quarrel even between Christian sects.

MotoAsh, (edited )

That’s only the kind and charitable interpretations. There are ample stories of God directly murderizing people just for disobeying a direct order.

IMO, it’s all complete codswallop that’s been misconstrued off of the simple recordings of history and an attempt at passing on wisdom about which rulers were good and why.

After all, all it takes is some narcissistic piece of shit emperor to declare they shall be referred to as “god”, and no other rulers will even be recorded as having a similar honorific … and bam. God as described in the Bible suddenly makes perfect sense being a fickle piece of shit because he’s just a bastardized history of seemingly good rulers dealing with completely different problems in completely different ways.

Now, I don’t think that’s all of it. There is obviously much spirituality and baby’s first philosophy wrapped up in there, too.

MotoAsh, (edited )

I mean… Not really. Paradoxes don’t actually exist. Causality itself would fail to work if literally inconsistent things could be magically made consistent. It’s fundamentally not how the universe works. Literally. What you ask for could exist, but not in a universe that behaves like ours. It is fundamentally incompatible with what is observed.

Yes, completely and fundamentally incompatible. Even if God could start up a billion universes with a billion rules … ours doesn’t work like that. It’s like a game character saying, “yea well the devs could totally make this RPG a FPS game!”

Is the possibility true? Yes. Though for no reason the game character will ever comprehend nor be able to ever observe. It is fundamentally a pointless point that adds no new information to the equation.

MotoAsh, (edited )

Logic requires cause and effect. If you break cause and effect, logic means nothing.

If you keep logic, then again: Paradoxes don’t actually exist. At the end of the day, something is true or it’s not. If you’re dealing with something both true and not true, you are literally and quite directly dealing with something unresolved. We fundamentally do not observe unresolved things.

It is conceptually, definitionally, not compatible with observed reality. “Observed reality” literally cannot reference such things. The question itself is nothing but a thought experiment that far too many people fail to execute.

MotoAsh, (edited )

Depends entirely on the religious sect. Some believe we live happily ever after in a similar condition but in paradise, some believe the believers get ascended to godhood, literally able to create universes.

It is an entire spectrum of fantasy, and that’s just the Christian sects.

MotoAsh, (edited )

Oh excellent, sounds like a book I’ll have to pick up so I can put some real substance behind my hunches. Thanks for the recommend.

MotoAsh, (edited )

Your analogy is a little broken. God wouldn’t be simply telling you not to. God is literally changing what you want to do, or any other number of “omnipotent” actions that are not possible by someone not omnipotent.

The concept itself is incompatible with reality that operates like ours. Ours has clear, obvious, demonstrable, and repeatable rules. If those rules change, we literally cannot tell.

Omnipotence is quite literally a pointless point when there is literally NOTHING that demonstrates power beyond the existing rules. There is literally nothing that breaks causality in our reality. Our reality and existence is quite literally incompatible with omnipotence as described in the bible.

MotoAsh, (edited )

Yes, but such a universe is still fundamentally incompatible with Christian (and most other) religious teachings.

There would be absolutely NO point in praying or asking for help in a universe with absolute free will, yet that is exactly what Christians (and many others) teach. It shows up all over in how they treat others and civil policy.

It’s why they’re so pro punishment: You make a choice to do bad things, you had free will to choose not to, so you must be bad. It’s not completely broken logic that they use, but it is absolutely not a self-consistent set of rules.

MotoAsh, (edited )

The great irony is, the Prime Directive is to try and control the emotional overreaction of humans and is indeed often ignored by Star Trek for supposedly moral reasons… It is terribly ironic that it makes such a perfect analogy to how God, a supposedly far superior being, is described as acting in the Bible.

In Star Trek, it’s ignored to help people. In the Bible, it’s ignored because God is having a bad day and needs to lay down some punishment without being labeled a massive hypocrite because daddy do no wrong.

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