You are forgetting one key fact. She doesn’t want help or a solution. She just wants you to acknowledge and agree with her.
When my wife comes to me with something thats bothering her i always fall into the trap of trying to fix it. But all she wants is for me to say that sucks and agree with her that the subject/object of the issue is shit and maybe give her a hug. Or simply to just listen.
The truth of it is that theres no manual or one size fits all solution to being in a relationship. Men and women can be just as complex as each other and everyone is different.
I was being a little silly with that, i was just trying to brush the obvious out of the way to focus on the main point. Although when she asks you would you still love her if she was a worm, the correct answer is yes. So if she said would you still love me if i was the size of a whale, the correct answer would also be yes.
Kind of a trend, the amount of youtubers who i had loved but their content became generic after gaining popularity is quite a bit, most drastic one being mrwhosetheboss, his uniqueness went down faster than MH27 MH17
I dont know about his knowledge, really, but I watched a few videos when shopping for my most recent phone and found his reviews to be a bit shallow and personal, not particularly objective and somewhat biased.
But i would like to say, the number of views a youtuber gets is not directly related to the quality of the entertainment other than it has to appeal to the most people in order to make it. That often leaves a bland taste to the videos. Its true of youtube, of music, of film… or any form of media really. You dont get popular by being extremely talented and nishe.
It is also not directly related to being smart. You only have to look at someone like elon musk to see that. Hes, frankly, an idiot. But he has done very well for himself to a point. Obviously, he’s fallen off now,
Fact is, not agreeing that Marquis is a good youtuber is not equal to being triggered, and its kind of ironic coming from the white knighr who cam running to his defence on a fairly obscure message board. :)
I’ve had a look into it, and it doesn’t work if you try to do it mathmatically. You always need more than 3 gos on the seesaw.
There is a solution in the replies to my original comment that is the actual solution, and it works every time and is much simpler than any grouping method.
It involves assigning a letter to each person and then aligning that with a grid of positions “left” or “right” or “none” on the seesaw. Over the three rounds. So, person A is on the right all three rounds person b is on the right for 2 rounds then on the left for the 3rd round.
You end up with a list of 12 patterns that do not repeat or mirror any other pattern like “LLL” “LLR” “LRR” “LR-” etc. Then you do all three rounds and compare the position the seesaw was in with those patterns.
If the seesaw was down on the left 2 times the down on the right the third time then you look for which person had that pattern in this case it was person B. So they are the one with a different weight and they were heavier.
Equally, if the opposite pattern occurred. It was down on the right 2 times, then down on the left for round, then that is the opposite pattern of person B and does not occur anywhere else, so it was person B, and they were lighter.
<span style="color:#323232;">person: A B C D E F G H I J K L
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">round 1: L L L L R R R R — — — -
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">round 2: L L R R R — — — L R L -
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">round 3: L R R — — L R — L L — R
I know younsa8d somewhere you cant use amazon but something like this is perfect. A colleague at work uses a cheap moto phone and they are great considering they are ridiculously cheep. This on is £70 (about 2m vnd) compared to a current flagship phone that can cost over £1000
Please understandnim asking this question from a genuine place. I dont want the quora answer, i want the tech savvy, security expert minds of my fellow lemmings. If thats ok?...
Do routers resolve domains for DNS? Would i need to enter an IP address? How will my router resolve if it needs to use DNS to resolve the domain name? Sorry, that might be a dumb question.
Disney is raking its customers over the coals with a 75% price hike for their annual subscription (originally $80.) People wonder why piracy is on the rise.Multiple commenters are saying I’m off base about the 75% price increase. My payment less than a year ago was $79.99. Here’s the proof.
Maybe if they had said , “i think its shit,” instead of saying “its shit” and then spending multiple days arguing with me that their opinion is objective fact, then there wouldn’t be a problem.
Yes, subjectively, it does. Art is not objective. It literally can’t be by its very nature. If you know people who like it, then you are admitting that you understand this.
If so then you are not in a bubble.
If you still try to claim that it is all objectively shit (which is quite a broad statement considering how much content there is on the platform, widely considered to be excellent) then you are in a bubble.
It’s actually quite a versatile term. Being in a bubble simply means living in your own world. This can mean many things, such as rejecting views that dont line up with your own. Which is exactly what you are doing. I laid down a straight fact that art is subjective, and you said no. You are wrong, but you would rather live in your bubble where you are right than accept that you are wrong.
You are even wrong about what being in a bubble means. In that, you think its meaning is strictly one thing. When in fact, it’s really quite subjective…
Edit. Oh god, did you just say you are smarter than most people? Thats so bad. What are you? Like 12 years old?
Art is inherently subjective, and what is considered “good” or “bad” varies from person to person. While there are commonly accepted principles and techniques in art, such as composition and colour theory, the interpretation and emotional response to art are highly personal. What one person sees as a masterpiece, another may see as unimpressive. So, art is not objectively good or bad; it’s a matter of individual taste and perception
I would say i have expressed my point poorly in the text you quoted. Where use “good”, im using quotation marks to mean this is not objective. It’s the opinion of the majority of people.
So where you say art has to fulfil higher standards and you can tell how creative or original a work of art is , that’s just the general consensus of “good,” but it’s all based on opinion.
Even if 99% of people agreed something is “good,” it is still subjective and, therefore, not objective fact.
An objective fact would be something like “the earth is (roughly) a sphere” even though there are flat eathers out there who would disagree, they are objectively wrong as it can be measured and proven and doesnt change based on who measures it. Unlike art, which will look different to each person viewing/experiencing it.
To go back to the original point again.
You said everything on disney+ is shit. Putting aside that you admitted in other comments that you dont actually believe that. It is your opinion and not objective fact. Like i said right at the start of this whole debate, everyone like different things.
To speak on the bubble thing again. I would say that my use of the term is a bit loose but not inaccurate. Your refusal to accept the differences between subjectivity and objectivity, as well as your belief that art can be seen objectively can be described as you living in a bubble. In that you are rejecting the information i am giving as it doesnt align with your view on the matter.
Maybe that bubble only surrounds this one aspect of your person, and not the whole, but you are being very stubborn about something that is entirely subjective in claiming there can be any objectivity.
So not a perfect usage of the term but not an invalid one. Subjectively speaking.
You replied to some other comments, conceding that there was good quality content on disney+. So you contradict there your entire argument here.
I didn’t say art being subjective closes the argument. I said it counters yours. You said it’s all shit. I said that’s a matter of opinion, and you said it isn’t. That’s you avoiding or denying reality.
You are factually wrong about that statement. It is, in fact, a matter of opinion. What makes art or media “good” is a collective agreement on what “good” is. What standards we all agree upon. This means that if you say it’s shit thats you opinion, ita not an objective fact. Its subjective. What is it they say? beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One mans trash is another mans treasure.
Tour bubble is your refusal to accept the possibility that you might be wrong.
But i suppose its as good a hill as any to die on.
How do we determine which is “good” art and which is “bad” art? Is it all based on the skill of the artist? Their mastery of techniques? Their creative use of different styles? Maybe their method of combining elements from multiple styles?
Or do we look at which art invokes the strongest emotional response? Which art make people feel the most happy or sad, or strikes them with awe and wonder. Art which leaves people staring at it for hours, always finding something new to enjoy about it?
Who decides which of these factors are the best or which ones make the art “good” or “bad”?
The answer is the individual.
I realised this a long time ago when I think about it in terms of music.
Im a musician, and as i grew and learned more about it, i began to hold a very elitist view on what merited “good” music and what was “bad”
I was certain about this. It made sense. It was clear in my head.
The good music is the stuff that is technically superior, the music that makes my jaw drop at its complexity and its craftsmanship. I outright rejected pop music and most basic music.
But i realised that when it comes down to it, good music is different for everyone. When i saw people dancing away and enjoying themselves, feeling elation whilst listening to so.ething i deemed terrible and basic, i realised. They are having as much fun as i do when i listen to the complex stuff. They are getting the same thing as me, except they get to dance and bounce around too, which, if anything, puts them above me on enjoyment levels.
I now find im able to appreciate the “dumb” music as much as the “smart” music and hold both in high regard. Because whilst i might be able to listen to and appreciate the likes of schubert, mozart, chopin, rachmaninov or jacob collier, louis cole, miles davis or herbie hancock. Muse, radiohead, the beatles etc Now i can listen to and enjoy pop artists like dua lipa, billie eilish and the like.
I know which i like more, but letting go of that gate keeping mentalility was exceptionally freeing. I recommend you do the same. Calling people dumb is not a good take. Accepting people differences and making them your equal is a much brighter path.
Cool! Also learned from another comment that the word “worm” is like “fish” in that it describes a variety of creatures that all look similar but are from different groups of animals.
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She gained some weight but she is not fat at all!
Which of your favorite creators content quality went downhill very quickly?
Kind of a trend, the amount of youtubers who i had loved but their content became generic after gaining popularity is quite a bit, most drastic one being mrwhosetheboss, his uniqueness went down faster than MH27 MH17
Be safe out there, Atlanta. (
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Lemmy, recommend me a good budget Android phone please
I need one for general purposes only, NOT for gaming, so I don’t really care about gaming-related features....
I love arguement. Free Entertainment! (
What reasons are there for being concerned about companies like google and meta etc collecting data and tracking me?
Please understandnim asking this question from a genuine place. I dont want the quora answer, i want the tech savvy, security expert minds of my fellow lemmings. If thats ok?...
Add-on: same password, same identity. (
Disney is gouging customers with a near doubling of subscription costs. (
Disney is raking its customers over the coals with a 75% price hike for their annual subscription (originally $80.) People wonder why piracy is on the rise.Multiple commenters are saying I’m off base about the 75% price increase. My payment less than a year ago was $79.99. Here’s the proof.
How do y'all say GIF? (
A 46,000-year-old worm found in Siberian permafrost was brought back to life, and started having babies (
Well so it begins.