And sorry for the double response but what in the actual fuck is 99% Arabic? For starters, minus un-contacted tribes on islands and forests, there are no 99% ethnic people on earth! If someone is 33% Caucasian, 33% Arabic, and 33% Asian what are they to you? Because your words indicates it matters. Your words implies the 1% rule used by racist to justify atrocities. (1% rule is if someone has 1% of blood outside of “white” means they are the other race.) All I see is humans being killed in Gaza.
TLDR: there are no large population of people that are 99% of anything. Even more so in the fucking Mediterranean.
Just false. Yes Hamas has been terrorizing the minority populations but the genetics of the Palestinian people hasn’t become more Arabic and Islam is the only “state sanctioned” religion but the people of Palestine are still largely secular. I’m technically “Christian” but I don’t practice and bow my head when prayer is said at family dinners. It’s simular in Palestinian people just nood along with the religion zealots among them because it just makes life easier.
Palestinians are not All Arabic nor Muslim. (saying Arabic/Muslim shows how little people understand the difference. It’s as dumb as saying Caucasian/Christian. You can be one, both, or none.) Palestinian genetically are a mix of all Mediterranean peoples. And that includes Greek, European, and Arabs. Also, the Palestinian people are more secular than the surrounding Muslim countries… Second, there is no winning a war on terror. Not in the way you are thinking anyways. Every innocent person killed by Israel spawns new terrorists. It’s unwinnable through violence.
No the employer is entitled to the value of the product or service. They are not entitled to the value created by their workers.
Your Second argument is false as well because they don’t get to pass on manufacturing and designing cost to the workers! That cost should be passed onto the customer. Your argument is lie that workers should have no work without the benevolence of their employers. If their work is so meaningless that the owners are entitled to the workers pie then way do the owners need them at all? It’s the reason why corporations always threaten to replace workers with machines or outsourcing but never actually do it. It’s because the true value in a for profit company is how much value you can steal from the lowly workers. In the machine threat, hiring a electrical, robotic, and software engineers cost more than 1000 minimum wage workers. But they can’t steal those engineers value because they are well educated and know their value. It’s what the 100% of the GOP and 50% DNC hate education. Education prevents exploitation… As for outsourcing all workers are catching onto the theft and are fighting back as well. Add in shipping costs, bad pr, taxes, and time, no way outsourcing will grow like it did in the 80s/90s/2000s.
Some people don’t seem to understand the meme and think this pie represents a companies whole revenue. This pie represents the revenue generated from an individuals labor. The current glaring issue with capitalism is that people think your employer is entitled to a slice of the labors pie. Your employer is entitled to Zero percent of the revenue you generate from your labor! But sadly the only reason the imaginary line in the stock market goes up is become employers and “investors” have stolen your value. While the meme is over simplified it’s accurate. Also your bosses/CEOs labor value is far lower than they would have you believe.
Shop local, give money to co-ops, unionize your work place, unionize your living space (renter unions are a thing.), volunteer as often as possible, give leftovers to the homeless if you regularly don’t eat your leftovers, VOTE, attend town halls when able, get to know your neighbors even if you don’t speak the same language or have a rough past with them, I can go on but these things can help at the local level and prevent the race to the bottom we’re currently stuck in.