I work in the behavioral health field as an IT security admin and network with hospitals/health clinics all all the time. The amount of them using XP and 7 in some capacity should scare everyone. The other security admins know it’s an issue, but they just laugh it off.
I tell them if I were an immoral man, their company would be compromised just based off of that information.
Windows 11 finally made me tell my boss “i’m not using that anymore.” I’ve used Linux exclusively at home and Windows at work, but got fed up just like you. I have a VM for testing purposes as the security admin and it’s actually improved my workflow since I can tear down and bring up VMs instead of using my main OS for testing.
Glad to hear you’ve had a positive switch as well.
Unfortunately, anything non-perishable. I go into local shops and can search an item I want on the internet and it will always be way, way cheaper. Cheap enough to where I can’t justify “supporting local business.” I’d love to, but I’m just as broke as everyone else right now.