Ninja Bachelor Party. A goofy and mostly nonsensical home movie made by a few teenagers, including legendary comedian Bill Hicks way before he was famous.
All 3 games got official English translations. Soul Blazer and Gaia were released in the US and Europe, but Terranigma for whatever reason was only released in Europe. I’m so glad emulation came around and opened up access to so many region-locked games.
Glad I’m not the only one. It looked like an extra forearm got jammed into the steering wheel. I found a clearer version but still can’t tell what’s behind the air freshener.
The Extended Cut version of the first movie is actually an okay time. It boggles the mind anyone would think it’s a good idea to pull every bit of backstory and subplot and give us the mess of a theatrical version we got.
why do & ampersands never display properly in titles?
but work in body text &
Yeah... switch to chrome 😅 (
Gonna need a few rewrites (
People who do know (
Original post here -
No wonder he's always cranky. (
EU court rules people can resell digital games (
Finally some good news! I’ve been waiting for quite a while for such a ruling....
6 December 2023 (
What is an obscure piece of media or videogame that you think nobody else here has heard of? (
It could even be a youtube video or movie that you don't think anyone reading this has heard of besides you.
A 5MB Hard Drive, 1956 (
double take (
So that's it, huh? We're some kind of Suicide Squad? (