It shouldn’t be an investment at all. It should be used. It’s like saying water is a good investment. Sure, if you make it artificially scarce and are okay with a ton of people going without… Nestle.
I have, but I was a child and very much not plugging it in the right way. It was in a very cramped space I couldn’t see, and dumbass me thought holding the metal would give me better control. It did, I made it into the plug.
We’re getting into the nature of free will, whether or not it exists at all. One of the hardest questions we’ve never really been able to answer, and quite possibly never will.
What if the well is merely looking into the infinite possibilities and determining who the true love is based on what will happen anyway? What if she also made a wish at another well at the same time, also for true love? What if she didn’t exist at all, prior to his wish, and was created as his true love?
A “modicum” of sanitary practices doesn’t include something as innocuous as using some breath condensation to open a bag lol. Say that to the parents not watching as their kid snots all over the place. If you wanna call someone a troglodyte, maybe reserve it for the guy who sneezes without covering. The level of harm someone does by selecting their produce, tearing off a bag, and God forbid breathing on their hands is actually nil.
If you’re that concerned about every “troglodyte” out there doing anything that may remotely spread a couple of germs, I advise you wear a hazmat suit when you go out. And when you’re inside. Just, always. Life’s filthy, take precautions before you put something in your body (wash it, cook it, etc) but past that, man… good luck.
Well I hope you’re going to wash them anyway. There’s already a bunch more worse shit than a bit of breath condensation from a guy standing a few feet away breathing onto his hands.
I’ve quite liked HealthyGamerGGs discord channel. It has spaces pretty much dedicated to exactly what you’re looking for, practicing social situations in safe spaces. Coaching that’s not the hyper masculine pick-up game kind of coaching. Places to ask advice, mental health spaces, etc.
It’s hardly dismissive. If there’s a lack of unions in a field, how does that problem get resolved? By starting one.
Sure they could provide more resources and information , except oh wait, someone else literally a post above did.
No one ever said starting one is easy, like anything worth doing it’s a LOT of work, but that’s a complete different matter than the comment being “actively unhelpful, [or] dismissive”
Edit:it was the same guy who posted the comment with more information. Maybe instead of you being actively unhelpful and dismissive, ask questions about the process, seek help, and don’t just dismiss what someone else said.
Money can’t directly buy happiness, but it certainly smooths out the path. Also, money may not be able to buy happiness, but not-money can’t buy anything.
I agree with you that the pursuit of an ever-increasing bank account is probably not a route to happiness (or more importantly contentedness, happiness is fleeting), but the reality of our world is that not having a livable amount of money tends to put direct blocks in front of your contentedness, which having money tends to dissolve.
I’m in a unique and enviable position where my work is basically nothing on the day to day. It pays enough to get by, barely, but it gives me so much free time that well… That aspect of work makes me happy lmao